Death by Excited Delirium: Diagnosis or Coverup? / NPR, 26 Feb 2007
Laura Sullivan
This is the first of a two-part report.
"Police departments and medical examiners are using a new term to explain why some people suddenly die in police custody. It's a controversial diagnosis called excited delirium. But the question for many civil liberties groups is, does it really exist?"
Tasers Implicated in Excited Delirium Deaths / NPR, 27 Feb 2007
Laura Sullivan
This is the second of two reports on excited delirium.
"The medical diagnosis called excited delirium is the subject of intense debate among doctors, law-enforcement officers and civil libertarians. They don't even all agree on whether the condition exists. But to Senior Cpl. Herb Cotner of the Dallas Police Department, there's no question that it's real." [Lists some recent instances in which excited delirium was cited to explain the deaths of people in police custody. In each case, the deceased had also been stunned with a Taser."