The Police, intelligence, and young offenders
International Journal of Police Science and Management, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, September 2007, Page(s): 244-256
Ian Waters
"The government and the Youth Justice Board of England and Wales have placed considerable emphasis on robust community interventions for young offenders, and the vital role of multiagency work in Youth Offending Teams (YOTs). The police are expected to play an increasingly important part in the control of persistent young offenders, and to facilitate a ‘joined-up’ criminal justice system. This paper discusses the involvement of the police in the Intensive Supervision and Surveillance Programme (ISSP) which is targeted at the most serious and persistent young offenders. The specialised knowledge and functions of police officers form key elements in the implementation of the ISSP, and were widely welcomed by other professionals in ISSP teams and YOTs. Whilst the research suggested some cynicism, or lack of knowledge, about the programme amongst local police forces, police officers seconded to YOTs were generally supportive of the ISSP."
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