Thursday, July 31, 2008

Crime: Map shows domestic violence is everywhere/ The Guardian, July 30 2008

"Humberside police service recorded the highest number of women murdered by their partners, and the City of London police the lowest, in the past five years, according to a new map of murder rates across England and Wales published by the government's Equalities Unit yesterday."

Domestic violence factsheet
MPs tell internet firms to police 'dark side' of web/ The Guardian, July 31 2008
"The internet industry must take more responsibility for protecting young people from the "dark side" of digital content relating to abuse, violence and suicide, according to a committee of MPs. The investigation recommended the establishment of a self-regulatory body to create better online safeguards to protect children from being exposed to unsuitable material. The body would police websites, adjudicate on complaints and could help crack down on piracy and illegal file-sharing in Britain."

House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee Tenth Report Harmful content on the Internet and in video games HC353 I
House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee HC353 II
Arrests for Recorded Crime (Notifiable Offences) and the Operation of Certain Police Powers under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984/ Ministry of Justice,30 July 2008

"This document presents the latest national statistics on persons arrested for recorded crime (notifiable offences) by type of offence, age, sex, and police force area in England and Wales. It also includes information on police stops and searches of persons and vehicles, including the reasons for the searches."

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bees join hunt for serial killers/ BBC News, 30 July 2008

"The way bumblebees search for food could help detectives hunt down serial killers, scientists believe. Just as bees forage some distance away from their hives, so murderers avoid killing near their homes, says the University of London team. This "geographic profiling" works so well in bees, the scientists say future experiments on the animals could now be fed back to improve crime-solving.The team's work is reported in the Royal Society journal Interface.
DNA records 'criminalise people' /, 30 July 2008
Thousands of DNA samples from innocent people are now retained.
DNA profiles of those not convicted of a crime should be removed from the database in England and Wales, a government-funded inquiry has said.

Control of the database should be taken from government and police and given to an independent body, the inquiry urged.
Drugs swoops 'have little impact' /, 30 July 2008

Drug dealers are "extremely resilient", the report says
Police are fighting a losing battle against drugs crime, with seizures having little impact on reducing supply or demand, research has suggested.

The UK Drug Policy Commission said despite the large sums of money spent tackling the problem, traditional police tactics were not working.

It said the £5.3bn British drugs market was too "fluid" for law enforcement agencies to cut supply.

Tackling Drug Markets and Distribution Networks (executive summary)

Tackling Drug Markets and Distribution Networks (full report)
Concern at knife crime sentences /, 30 July 2008

The jail terms for knife offences ranged between two and four months
Fewer than one in five people charged with knife offences are sent to prison, Metropolitan (Met) Police figures show. Staff monitored 103 individuals charged with such offences in one week in June during an anti-knife crime operation.
A huge job for the boys: The minister for police, security and community safety tells Julie Bindel how he wants men to take a more responsible attitude towards domestic and sexual violence against women - and to spread the word to others
/The Guardian, July 30 2008

"Vernon Coaker, junior Home Office minister responsible for police, security and community safety, is championing in parliament a campaign, aimed at men, against domestic and sexual violence. "The majority of men don't abuse women, but there is a responsibility on men to speak up and speak out about it," he says. "The noise that men have made about it in the past has never been loud enough. I think that's a perspective I can bring to the whole discussion."
Ruth Rendell speaks out against female circumcision /, July 28 2008

"Ministers are failing to act to prevent young girls being circumcised, the crime writer and Labour peer Ruth Rendell said today.Lady Rendell, a long-term campaigner against the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), spoke out as the police prepared to announce a new initiative against it later this week. She said that it would be classified "not as a quaint custom but as child cruelty, as child abuse, because that's what it is"."
Councils refuse to re-use dataDevon county council allows its data to be re-used in any format, but other local authorities are simply failing to follow suit / Thursday July 24 2008"If you live in Guildford, Harlow or Leicester, commiserations. Your local authority is among those to admit openly that it has no plans to make data it collects available for use by citizens or businesses. Such reluctance is not unusual. A new survey of 426 county, district and metropolitan borough councils in England and Wales suggests that well over half have not taken the first basic step to freeing their data."
Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Victims: A 21st Century Strategy / International Association of Chiefs of Police, 2008
"A 21st Century Strategy for Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Victims introduces state, local, and tribal law enforcement leaders to the benefits, challenges, methods, and responsibilities for enhancing their response to victims of crime."
First Response to Victims of Crime / National Sheriffs Association, April 2008
"By approaching victims in a respectful and supportive manner, officers can gain their trust and cooperation. Victims may then be more willing to provide detailed information about the crime to officers and later to investigators and prosecutors, which, in turn, will lead to the conviction of more criminals."
Police Enforcement Strategies to Prevent Crime in Hot Spot Areas / U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
"The results of this systematic review support the assertion that focusing police efforts on high-activity crime places can be used to good effect in preventing crime. Seven of the nine evaluations reported noteworthy reductions in crime and disorder."
SIPC Warns Investors of New Identify Theft “Phishing” Scheme Involving Phony Request for Confidential Financial Information / Securities Investor Protection Corporation, July 2008
"The Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), which maintains a special reserve fund authorized by Congress to help investors at failed brokerage firms, today cautioned investors about a new identity theft scam designed to extract confidential information and cash from unwary individuals."
Alcohol-related hospital admissions four times higher than official figure/, July 22 2008

"Six per cent of all hospital admissions are related to illness or injuries caused by alcohol, according to government figures published today. The latest NHS admissions data reveal that past assessments had vastly underestimated the impact alcohol abuse has on society. More than 800,000 people are admitted to hospital with alcohol-related illnesses and injuries every year – four times the official figure."

DH report: Hospital admissions alcohol related harm.
Cold Cases: Strategies Explored at NIJ Regional Trainings
National Institute of Justice Journal, No. 260, July 2008
Beth Schuster
Cold Cases: Resources for Agencies, Resolution for Families
National Institute of Justice Journal, No. 260, July 2008
Charles Heurich
Expert Systems Help Labs Process DNA Samples
National Institute of Justice Journal, No. 260, July 2008
Police to be drafted into schools to cut violence, minister says /The Guardian, July 30 2008
"The schools minister, Andrew Adonis, called on police forces yesterday to permanently draft officers into schools to cut violent crime. He said constables could frisk pupils for weapons, drink and drugs and generally keep children safe.At least 450 secondary and primary schools in England already have a police officer permanently on site."
Overhaul of murder laws to protect victims of domestic violence /, 29 July 2008

"Women who kill abusive partners could escape conviction for murder if they can prove they lived in "fear of serious violence" under an overhaul of the homicide laws announced today. A further defence against murder charges which allows people to argue they were driven to kill by "words and conduct" that left them "seriously wronged" will also be made available to defendants."
Malware 'has infected major Government websites'/ Independent, 23 July 2008
"Key Government websites have been infected by cyber-criminals aiming to steal browsers' personal details, it was reported today. More than a thousand Government and consumer sites are said to have been hit, including some run by the NHS and a local council."
Violent crime down but credit fraud is soaring / Independent, Friday, 18 July 2008

"The number of muggings and burglaries could soon start to rise again because of the economic downturn, the Home Office warned yesterday as it trumpeted sharp falls in overall crime rates. It also said credit card fraud is increasing rapidly as criminal gangs exploit the boom in internet shopping to produce cloned cards.The first official police figures on knife crime disclosed that more than 22,000 attacks with blades were carried out last year, although separate statistics yesterday suggested the actual figure could be almost 130,000."
'Internationalizing' Criminal Justice Research
National Institute of Justice Journal, No. 260, July 2008
Philip Bulman
Indian Country Drug Threat Assessment 2008 / National Drug Intelligence Center, June 2008
"This report is a comprehensive, strategic assessment of the threat posed to Native American communities by drug trafficking organizations (DTOs), criminal groups, and gangs and the illicit drugs they distribute on reservations throughout the United States. This report examines the operations, capabilities, and vulnerabilities of drug traffickers who exploit Indian Country and the difficulties faced by federal, state, and tribal law enforcement officials in combating drug trafficking in Native American communities. It also identifies drug abuse patterns and trends most common to Indian Country, highlighting the illicit drugs posing the greatest threat to Native Americans in the United States."
Money Laundering in Digital Currencies / National Drug Intelligence Center, June 2008
Michael Barrett: Cybercrime - and what we will have to do if we want to get it under control / Publius Project (Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University), 23 July 2008
Comprehensive Strategy Needed to Improve Passport Operations / US Government Accountability
Consultation on Murder, Manslaughter and Infanticide: Proposals for reform of the law / Ministry of Justice, 29 July 2008

Deadline date: 20 October 2008

"This consultation seeks views on proposals for reforms of partial defences to murder of diminished responsibility and provocation and of the law on complicity in relation to homicide and infanticide."

Consultation paper

Impact assessment
Differential Response to Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect / Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2008
Impacts of Immigration / House of Commons, 25 July 2008
Research Paper 08/65
Risk at home: privacy and security risks in telecommuting / Ernst and Young, July 2008
PDF -$file/Riskathome.pdf
"Personal and private information related to both employees and their employers may be compromised by telecommuting staff if privacy risks are not dealt with effectively. This is according to a new report from Ernst & Young and the Center for Democracy and Technology. “Risk at home: privacy and security risks in telecommuting” identifies such issues in work-from-home arrangements. Read about effective approaches — as well as areas in need of improvement in how organizations protect personal and other sensitive company-related information."
Women’s Changing Lives: Priorities for the Ministers for Women: One Year On Progress Report / Government Equalities Office, July 2008
Cm 7455
August Named National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month / Eurekalert, 29 July 2008
"Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America and the Consumer Healthcare Products Association are pleased to lend their support to S.Res. 614, a U.S. Senate resolution designating August as National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month."
Servite's Family Intervention Project achieves 86% reduction in ASB /, 29 July 2008
"Servites Family Intervention Project is celebrating a successful first year in its pilot. As the only programme running in London funded by the Housing Corporation, it has achieved some outstanding results, with an 86% reduction in anti social behaviour compared to before project intervention. The scheme works with families who are at risk of homelessness or another form of legal action because of their anti social behaviour. It helps the family to bring back stability into their lives and..."

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Crime maps online 'by end 2008'/, 28 July 2008

Police websites now detail monthly crime information
New interactive maps which will allow every neighbourhood in England and Wales to access local crime information will be ready by the end of the year.
'Beach Beat' to make shores safer /,
"A police community support officer (PCSO) will join lifeguards to patrol a beach in Pembrokeshire this summer in a bid to make the shoreline safer."
Young people's knife crime fears /, 28 July 2008

"84% of those polled said it has become easier to buy knives
More than half (55%) of young people fear becoming victims of knife crime in the summer months, a survey has shown. The poll, commissioned by BBC London, surveyed 501people aged 13 to 18 in the London boroughs of Brent, Croydon, Hackney, Lambeth, and Southwark."
Wild bird crime 'still too high' /, 27 July 2008

"Welsh incidents represent 10% of all UK bird crime. The number of reported crimes against wild birds in Wales has reduced slightly - but the figure is still too high, an RSPB report says. Its investigations unit received reports of 128 incidents of wild bird crime in Wales in 2007, 15 fewer than in 2006, which had seen 143 crimes.

RSPB report
Immigration and Social Cohesion in the UK: The rhythms and realities of everyday life / Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 21 July 2008
"This study is about understanding the relationship between recent immigration and social cohesion in the context of other social and economic transformations that affect everyday life for everyone living in the UK."
Labour's vivisection 'failure'
New Statesman, 21 July 2008
"Experiments on animals have reached the three million mark for the first time in 16 years, a shocking rise of 54% since Labour came to power argues the Dr Hadwen Trust."
Rape affects us all
New Statesman, 23 July 2008
"Men must challenge the myths and stereotypes that still surround the issues of sexual violence, to show being masculine does not involve dominating others."
You'll never walk alone
New Statesman, 23 July 2008
"Google Maps has created a ‘walking’ feature making traversing city streets rather more straightforward for those who travel by foot."
Designing streets to help drunks home / New Scientist, 23 July 2008
"A model that mimics the movements of drunken crowds might help find ways to design streets so that they direct late-night revellers safely home."
[Sub required]
Animal testing rise allied to GM experiments/ The Guardian, Tuesday July 22 2008"The number of scientific procedures carried out on animals in Britain rose by 6% last year to just over 3.2m. The majority (83%) used rodents, while the number of procedures involving monkeys was down 6%, with 3,125 being used in total."
Soil dishes the dirt on criminals / New Scientist, 26 July 2008
"Crooks beware, a scraping of mud on your shoe could link you to a footprint at the scene of a crime, thanks to a technique that uniquely identifies different soils within a small area by their organic material."
[Sub required]
Tweaked Kevlar vest stops bugs as well as bullets / New Scientist, 28 July 2008
"TO SOUP up your bulletproof vest, why not make it antibacterial, too? Jie Luo and Yuyu Sun of the University of South Dakota in Vermillion have done just that, using a molecule called polymethacrylamide (PMAA)."
Immigration: 'Britishness' will not help integration, say researchers/Society Guardian, July 21 2008
"Tackling deprivation and boosting social interaction would do more to reduce hostility to immigrants than trying to create a sense of Britishness, a report said today. Concerns over limited housing and school places in some parts of the UK are undermining attempts to ensure new migrants are well received, according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation."

Swapping facial features protects online privacy / New Scientist, 28 July 2008
"After finding itself in hot water with privacy advocates, Google has begun obscuring the faces of people in its Street View service, which lets users of Google Maps zoom in to view street level images. But the images look decidedly odd, with whole streets peopled by blurred faces....Aside from Street View, the system could be used to obscure the faces of military personnel or eyewitnesses to crime."
Happy thoughts may dampen cravings / New Scientist, 29 June 2008
"Drug addicts could combat their addictions by thinking happy thoughts, which curb the excitement levels in the brain's reward centres."
One in five young men have faced knife threats, survey finds /Society Guardian, July 21 2008
"One in five young men have been threatened with a knife and almost half know someone it has happened to, a survey reveals today.

The poll of 1,000 young people gives a bleak impression of increasing street violence and fear, which has left 78% of those questioned afraid to walk the streets."
Treatment Outcome and Criminal Offending by Youth With Sexual Behavior Problems
Child Maltreatment, Vol. 13, No. 2, 133-144 (2008)
Letourneau, E. J., Chapman, J. E., Schoenwald, S. K.
"Children and adolescents treated for general delinquency problems and rated by caregivers as having sexual behavior problems (SBP; N = 696) were compared with youth from the same sample with no sexual behavior problems (NSBP; N = 1,185). Treatment outcome through 12-months posttreatment and criminal offending through an average 48-month posttreatment were compared for both groups. It was hypothesized that both groups would improve over time; however, the SBP group would evidence greater psychopathology at follow-up, and these hypotheses were supported."
[Sub required]
UK fails to bar internet access to child porn/ The Observer, July 20 2008
"Almost a million UK households could access websites known to host images of child sex abuse despite a government pledge made two years ago to stop access to paedophile sites."
Our Minds Are Made Up--Don't Confuse Us With the Facts: Commentary on Policies Concerning Children With Sexual Behavior Problems and Juvenile Sex Offenders
Child Maltreatment, Vol. 13, No. 2, 110-121 (2008)
M. Chaffin
"This commentary examines four common policy-relevant perceptions of teen and preteen sex offenders—high risk, "specialness," homogeneity, and intransigence. Each perception is contrasted with long-standing as well as more current scientific facts. It is argued that public policies for these youth have been fundamentally driven by misperceptions, resulting in a set of well-intentioned but ultimately flawed policies and practices that are unlikely to deliver either child protection or juvenile justice benefits..."
[Sub required]
Insiders are a bigger security fear than hackers / Techworld, 18 July 2008
"IT security executives are starting to face up to the realisation that the biggest threat they face comes from internal security attacks and data breaches."
Young Muslims to get citizenship lessons in bid to combat extremism/, 18 July 2008.
"Young Muslims will be given British citizenship lessons when they attend mosque schools, as part of a range of new measures outlined by the government to combat extremism.

The plans, contained in a report published today, Preventing Violent Extremism: Next Steps for Communities, were put together after discussions with representatives of Muslim communities in an attempt to prevent the marginalisation of young people."
Huge rise in malware during first half of 2008, study finds / Techworld, 18 July 2008
"Malware has risen by a staggering 278 percent in the first half of 2008, thanks in part to the large number of websites comprised last month, so says a new study by ScanSafe. And it warns that things are only going to get worse, especially after Dan Kaminsky goes public with details about his 20 year-old DNS vulnerability."

SMBs underestimate extent of cybercrime / Techworld, 23 July 2008
"Small businesses wrongly believe that they're too insignificant to attract hackers and spend too little time on security. That's according to the latest survey from security vendor McAfee which found that many SMBs thought they were immune from theft."

1st Annual Report of The Ethics Group: National DNA Database / Home Office, April 2008
Neighbourhood policing programme: NPIA PCSO Review / NPIA, July 2008
SABMiller Website Includes Info on Drunk Driving, Binge Drinking / Join Together, 18 July 2008
"A new website launched by multinational brewery company SABMiller features experts talking about a wide range of alcohol-related subjects, including drunk driving, binge drinking, health and parenting."
London Officials Ask Retailers Not to Sell Alcohol to Customers Under Age 21 / Join Together, 18 July 2008
"Facing an epidemic of youth binge drinking, the mayor of London and other officials are backing a call for supermarkets and other "off-license" alcohol retailers to refrain from selling beer, wine and liquor to customers under age 21."
Safe-Injection Sites Planned for Montreal / Join Together, 18 July 2008
"Taking their cue from the Insite project in Vancouver, Quebec health officials say they want to open safe-injection facilities to serve drug addicts in Montreal."
British Authorities Credit Health Messages for Drop in Youth Drug Use Rates / Join Together, 21 July 2008
"Department of Health leaders in England are attributing decreases in drug experimentation rates among the nation's young teenagers to a well-financed campaign on drugs' dangers."
Report Highlights Challenges of Combating Drug Traffickers Who Target Native American Communities / Join Together, 21 July 2008
"Mexican drug trafficking organizations represent the largest supplier of illicit drugs to Native American reservations throughout the United States, with marijuana the most widely available illicit drug in Native American communities."
[USA] 15th National TASC (Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities) Conference on Drugs & Crime, September 3-5, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
University Will Welcome New Students with Alcohol Lessons / Join Together, 22 July 2008
"New students arriving at the University of Virginia this summer have the option to participate in the university's first-ever orientation session devoted specifically to alcohol abuse."
Family Meals Have Greater Protective Effect on Girls / Join Together, 23 July 2008
"University of Minnesota researchers have found that while middle-school girls who share regular family meals see beneficial effects throughout their teenage years on substance-using behaviors, boys do not experience the same effects from a regular family presence at the dinner table."
Britain Could Consider Curbs on Alcohol Promotion / Join Together, 23 July 2008
"Public health officials in England have warned establishments that sell alcohol that their lackluster performance on voluntary guidelines to restrict alcohol promotions could lead to tougher laws on sales."
U.S. Ranks #1 in Consumption of Pot, Cocaine, Smokes / AlterNet, 23 July 2008
"According to a study released June 30 by the World Health Organization, the U.S. leads the world and -- just in time for the Olympics -- takes the gold for the use of tobacco, pot, and cocaine, far outpacing other countries, even the Netherlands, where drug laws are far less draconian. In the U.S., more than 42% in the study admit having used marijuana, and 16% admit having used cocaine -- a cocaine-use rate four times that of New Zealand, which ranked No. 2 out of 17 countries surveyed."
Migration in Paris’ Chinatown: a reality in Europe / EurekAlert, 15 July 2008
Delphine Lawrance
"With Chinatowns sprouting in every major European city, immigrants travel more between one country to the next. Does it make them more European than ‘real’ Europeans?"
New EU immigration directive: ‘policy of shame’ / EurekAlert, 22 July 2008
By Kate Stansfield
"Will a Romanian in Spain be forced to learn the paella recipe off by heart? The new EU immigration policy has been branded as xenophobic by some of the countries concerned."
The kids most likely to go armed / EurekAlert, 28 July 2008
"A new analysis of a 2005 survey of American schoolchildren has identified factors that may be used to help improve school safety. The research, published in BioMed Central's open access journal Annals of General Psychiatry, gives detailed information about the carrying of guns, blades and clubs."
Netherlands: Court Rules Pre-Entry Integration Exam Unlawful / Human Rights Watch, 17 July 2008
"Government Should Suspend Discriminatory Test Targeting non-Western Migrants The Dutch government should suspend its discriminatory “integration test abroad” – an exam on Dutch language and society – that is required for family migrants from some non-Western countries following a July 15 court ruling that the test is unlawful, Human Rights Watch has said."
Beckton puts youth crime high on agenda /, 29 July 2008
"A memorial service for four of Becktons young people was a powerful opening for the Beckton Community Forum safety event. The service, hosted by Kingsford Community School, launched the event called Making You and Your Community Safer Action Against Knife Crime."
Lambeth targets gangs with first dedicated action plan /, 29 July 2008
"Lambeth Council’s cabinet finalised its five-year plan to tackle gang activity among young people last night, making Lambeth one of the first boroughs to have a dedicated action plan to target this issue. Lambeth’s own proposals have been drawn up because of rising concerns around young people getting involved in gangs and violence, and include an extra two million investment in youth services, a 'hotline' for parents concerned about their children, specialist outreach teams..."
Hijackers steal blank British passports 'worth £2.5 million on black market' /, 29 July 2008
"Blank Passports stolen in a raid on a delivery van are worth £2.5 million on the black market, police said today. Hijackers made off with boxes of passports after hijacking the van when the driver stopped off to get a newspaper at a shop in Oldham, Greater Manchester, yesterday morning."
E-Bulletin (116) July 2008 Home Office, 25/07/2008
"Find out about the Policing Green Paper, Sir Ian Magee's review, the latest crime statistics and police strength statistics, and the PCSO review."

Monday, July 28, 2008

Newcomer lines up to take on Google /, July 28 2008
"A Silicon Valley start-up has launched what it claims is the internet’s biggest search engine, with an index three times larger than Google’s.

Cuil, pronounced “cool”, from the Gaelic word meaning “knowledge”, says it has also developed technology that makes the index require a fraction of the storage and processing power used by Google’s vast server farms."
Population estimates of problematic drug users in England who access DWP benefits: A feasibility study / DWP, July 2008
Gordon Hay and Linda Bauld
Department for Work and Pensions Working Paper No 46
A High tech, high stakes game of hide and seek / Eurekalert, 16 July 2008
"At the 2008 Workshop on Precision Indoor Personnel Location and Tracking for Emergency Responders, to be held at Worcester Polytechnic Institute Aug. 4-6, four solutions to the enormous technical challenge of precisely locating first responders inside buildings will be demonstrated in carefully controlled trials. Now in its third years, the workshop, the only national forum on the precision indoor location, will bring together about 120 leading researchers, government representatives, and first responder community members."
Study: Migrant laborers valuable to horticulture industry / Eurelalert, 17 July 2008
"Despite tremendous growth in mechanization and technological advances, nursery, greenhouse, and sod production in the US are still extremely labor-intensive. The agricultural industry depends heavily on laborers who can provide on-time production of highly perishable horticultural crops. Savvy employers know that a skilled and accessible labor supply is imperative for the agricultural industry's continued growth and stability."
Complex questions asked by defense lawyers linked to convictions in child abuse trials / Eurekalert, 17 July 2008
"Defendants in child abuse cases are more likely to be convicted if their defense lawyer uses complicated language when interrogating young victims according to new research out of the University of Toronto and the University of Southern California."
Loud music can make you drink more, in less time, in a bar / Eurekalert, 18 July 2008
"Commercial venues are very aware of the effects that the environment - in this case, music - can have on in-store traffic flow, sales volumes, product choices and consumer time spent in the immediate vicinity. A study of the effects of music levels on drinking in a bar setting has found that loud music leads to more drinking in less time."
Security flaws in online banking sites found to be widespread / Eurekalert, 22 July 2008
"More than 75 percent of the bank Web sites surveyed in a University of Michigan study had at least one design flaw that could make customers vulnerable to cyber thieves after their money or even their identity. Atul Prakash, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and doctoral students Laura Falk and Kevin Borders examined the Web sites of 214 financial institutions in 2006. They will present the findings for the first time at the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security meeting at Carnegie Mellon University July 25."

Log-deleting search engine wins award /, 18 July 2008
"A search engine that deletes all data relating to users after 48 hours has been awarded the first privacy award of a European body set up to promote privacy. The award was presented by European Data Protection Supervisor Peter Hustinx."

Data blunders can breach human rights, rules ECHR /, 22 July 2008
"The European Court of Human Rights has ordered the Finnish government to pay out €34,000 because it failed to protect a citizen's personal data. One data protection expert said that the case creates a vital link between data security and human rights."
Oyster hack will be published, rules Dutch court /, 22 July 2008
"A team of Dutch researchers has been given permission to publish details of how it cracked the security on which the pre-payment card for London's transport network is based."
Police guidance on data deletion is flawed, says Information Tribunal /, 22 July 2008
"The data protection guidance given to police forces on when to delete records of criminal convictions is inadequate, according to the body which hears appeals under the Data Protection Act. The Information Tribunal, which adjudicates on appeals against orders from the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), said that guidance issued to forces is unsuitable."
Down for everyone or just me? / Phil Bradley's weblog, 21 July 2008
"Sometimes you go to visit your favourite site and it's not working. Or perhaps it is, but just not for you. How can you tell, apart from finding a friend somewhere and getting them to check, or blogging it, or twittering? Simply visit the Down for everyone or just me? site and it'll tell you if it's just you, or if other people are finding the same thing."
Very Recent - The Buzz Search Engine / Phil Bradley's weblog, 22 July 2008
"Want to know what's happening in the world? Of course you do, but all too often that's not going to be on the BBC, CNN or ABC websites because they're not interested in what you're interested in. So instead you go to Twitter, blog search engines and so on. Very Recent is a search engine that hunts through those resources, as well as FriendFeed, Flickr, YouTube and digg to pull out information based on what you're looking for...."
25 Free Stock Photo Sites / Phil Bradley's weblog, 22 July 2008
"Useful article from Digital Image Magazine annotating 25 Free Stock Photo Sites Most of them were familiar, but there were one or two that were new to me. It's worth reading the entire article for the overviews, but I'm listing the engines below in case you just want to jump in...."
Addressing sickness in the public sector / I&DeA, 16 July 2008
"The public sector is often portrayed as being rife with staff sickness. But many councils are leading the way to manage the issue by encouraging good health and wellbeing throughout their workforces."
A Surveillance society?: the Government reply to the fifth report from the Home Affairs Committee session 2007-08 HC 58 / TSO, 22 July 2008
Cm 7449
Domestic violence, forced marriage and 'honour'-based violence: the Government reply to the sixth report from the Home Affairs Commitee, session 2007-08 HC 263 / TSO, 23 July 2008
Cm 7450

From the neighbourhood to the national: policing our communities together / Home Office, 17 July 2008
Cm 7448

Transport police target knife crime during summer holidays /, 25 July 2008
"More than 60 British Transport Police officers have spent the past week involved in a summer holiday crackdown targeting anti-social behaviour, drug possession and knife-carrying. BTP Inspector Graham Urry said rail passengers at key transport hubs in London would have noticed an increased presence of officers, including the use of the mobile metal detecting arch – known as Operation Shield – along with the deployment of drug detecting dogs."
Gangs at the Grassroots: Community solutions to street violence / New Local Government Network, 17 July 2008
Anthony Brand and Richard Ollerearnshaw
'Expert panel' to report on Islamic beliefs in British life /, 18 July 2008
"The wearing of the Islamic veil will be one of the issues examined by a new panel of Muslim experts being set up by the Government, it was announced. Cambridge University has been commissioned to create an independent board of academic and theological experts."
East Manchester Project Uses Kickboxing To Boost Kids' Behaviour /,
"Kickboxing is being used as part of an innovative project that aims to change the behaviour of difficult children in east Manchester. Seven children from Eastlands Homes Early Intervention Project have been attending the Te-Sheng-Do classes to help them channel their energies and learn discipline. The activity is just one of the ways the project - funded by the Big Lottery Fund - is working to stop the spiral of anti-social behaviour."
More destitution in Leeds: Repeat survey of destitute asylum seekers and refugees approaching local agencies for support / Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, 24 July 2008
Dave Brown
Regulatory Offences: Guidance for government departments and agencies / Ministry of Justice, 25 July 2008

"This guidance is primarily aimed at people working in central government departments and agencies who are thinking about creating new offences of non-compliance with regulations. It includes general principles about when civil sanctions might be more appropriate than criminal offences. It also offers advice on how to formulate criminal offences if this is considered the appropriate option."

Guidance paper
Strengthening the Common Travel Area / Home Office, 25 July 2008
"This consultation seeks views on proposals to change and strengthen the rules and operation of the common travel area, which is a passport-free zone that includes the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey."

consultation paper

Partial impact assessment
Subjects: Crime and law enforcement; European and international affairs; Transport and infrastructure
Criminal Justice Assessment Toolkit / UNODC, July 2008
"You feel like you're nothing": the UN study on violence against children: a contribution to the UN Violence Study from the Children's Rights Alliance for England and the NSPCC / NSPCC, 23 July 2008
The Use of Restraint in Secure Training Centres: Government Response to the Committee's Eleventh Report: Twenty-seventh Report of the Session 2007-2008: Report, together with formal minutes, and appendix: House of Lords / House of Commons Joint Committee on Human Rights / TSO, 17 July 2008
HL 154/HC 979
Forced Marriage - awareness raising materials / Every Child Matters, July 2008
"These materials have been developed specifically for schools and young people to raise awareness of the issues surrounding forced marriage and provide information about sources of support."
Forced marriage statutory guidance: consultation paper / FCO and Home Office, 23 July 2008
Closing date: 15 October
Animals (Scientific Procedures) Inspectorate: Annual Report 2007 / Home Office, July 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008

Key Communities, Key Resources: Engaging the capacity and capabilities of faith communities in Civil Resilience / Department for Communities and Local Government, 17 June 2008

"At times of crisis faith communities have a role to play in terms of victim support. Large scale fatalities raise specific issues for faith communities that need to be addressed. Strong leadership from faith communities has a key role to play when large scale incidents trigger concerns about social cohesion.

This document published by the Communities and Local Government department is intended to help emergency planners and faith communities through that process. It deals with principles and provides tools and a roadmap for good practice. Worse case predictions may never materialise. Nevertheless, this document is intended as an encouragement to those within statutory services and faith communities."

The video-aquatic / July 2008 Issue$42409

"Imagine a crime scene's evidence lay just below, at the bottom of a lake — not the optimal environment for evidence discovery and retrieval. An investigator brings out a submersible remote-operated vehicle (ROV) and sends it into the murky depths, and soon a viewing monitor shows eerie images of drowned victims on the lake bottom."
Digital stakeouts /, July 2008 Issue$42407
"When the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) conducts sustained surveillance of marijuana grow fields, they need video systems that not only produce high-quality images, but that also tolerate rain, humidity and temperature fluctuations — even dirt."
Metropolitan Police enlists IT to transform HR for entire service/ Public Technology, 10 July 2008
"Steria has won a new contract with London’s Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) to transform the MPS’s Human Resources (HR) function.

The contract will support a significant improvement in the delivery of the MPS’s HR service, and will drive cost savings through the creation of a new HR Service Centre in Central London and implementation of HR business partnering."
Powys County Council enhances Youth Information Service with satellite-based comms/ Public Technology, 10 July 2008

"Powys County Council has enhanced the delivery of its Youth Information Service with two new purpose-built vehicles equipped with the latest satellite-based communications equipment.

Supplied by Excelerate Technology, the new mobile units will enable Powys to meet statutory requirements for the provision of informal learning opportunities, guidance and support for young people as part of the Welsh Assembly’s National Youth Service Strategy for Wales and young people’s ‘Ten Entitlements’."
Information Commissioner urges public sector to win recognition for data protection excellence/ Public Technology, 9 July 2008

"The Information Commissioner's Office is encouraging organisations in the public sector to seek recognition for good data protection practices by applying for a prestigious European award which aims to increase awareness of best practice in data protection around Europe."
eMail paranoia? Most workers admit they’ll contact the office while on holiday / Public Technology, 9 July 2008

Is the UK turning into a nation of workaholics, or just a country full of paranoid workers? This summer many City employees will feel unable to completely relax on holiday worried that their colleagues will try to muscle in on their territory whilst their backs are turned? But at what price?
Scottish Government spends 640,000 on anti-ageism ad campaign: online a key tactic / Public Technology, 8 July 2008

"A Scottish Government campaign to stamp out age-related discrimination is urging Scots to See the Person, not the Age - and an online advertising campaign is a central tactic. The £640,000 anti-ageism campaign will feature online, television, radio, and press advertising and encourage Scots to think past stereotypes based on age."
'Leadership Assurance & Benchmarking' service launched by National School of Government / Public Technology, 7 July 2008

"A new ‘Leadership Assurance & Benchmarking’ (LAB) service from the National School of Government aims to help Departments ensure that in-house leadership development is effective, delivers a return on investment and supports the corporate leadership agenda across government.

The new service, launched in Whitehall on Monday June 30, is a ‘light touch’ and constructive approach to assessment based on the National School’s Strategic Leadership Development Model, which reflects the components of world-class leadership development identified by Professor Ivan Robertson and the SCS Leadership Model."
Ministry of Defence plans to replace 100s of IT systems is sound, says National Audit Office / Public Technology, 7 July 2008

"The Ministry of Defence programme to replace hundreds of different IT systems with a single, secure, high quality computer infrastructure is based on a sound rationale and convincing business case.

According to a National Audit Office report issued today, the Defence Information Infrastructure Programme (DII) has delivered important benefits, but has run into implementation difficulties, and key elements are running significantly late."

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Prime Minister sets out his vision for world-class public services / Public Technology, 7 July 2008
"The Prime Minister has outlined a bold vision for transforming England's public services. In a Cabinet Office report “Excellence and fairness: Achieving world class public services” published today, he argues that although public services have improved dramatically over the past decade they are not yet world-class and a new stage of reform is required.

The paper provides a framework for further improvement. Using evidence from the best-performing public services around the world it sets out the Government's overall approach to public service reform for the coming years."

Link to Cabinet Office report
US court ruling on Google/Youtube data handover very worrying for UK consumers say Lib Dems/ Public Technology, 4 July 2008

"Commenting on the US court ruling that Google must hand over all its YouTube user data to Viacom, Liberal Democrat Shadow Culture, Media and Sport Secretary, Don Foster said:

“This ruling sets a very worrying precedent for the future of the internet, with internet users’ personal details being passed around different corporations without consent."
UK & US agree to speed up travel for 'trusted people' using biometric IT system/ Public Technology, 4 July 2008
"The Home Office yesterday announced plans to speed up travel between the UK and the US for trusted people who move regularly between the two countries. Biometric IT systems will be at the heart of the plan."
IT a central driver for Government's new 'Operational Efficiency Programme'/ Public Technology, 4 July 2008

"Chief Secretary at HM Treasury Yvette Cooper yesterday launched the Operational Efficiency Programme. The programme forms a key part of the Government's drive to achieve greater efficiency savings across public spending, with the potential to deliver billions of pounds of savings."
Marriage Visas: The way forward /Home Office, 23 July 2008

"This is the Government's response to a consultation on proposed changes to marriage visas and to applications for settlement based on such visas."

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hey Prosecutor, How About Objecting?!Why officers must go it alone on the stand/, July 21, 2008$42415
"An attorney's duty is to represent her client's interests. For a criminal defense attorney, this may not be easy but it is simple. The client is the defendant. With rare exceptions, the defendant wants to get off."
Invest in your vision July is eye injury prevention month. Learn which products help officers see more safely /, July 2008 Issue$42408
"During the average shift (as if there was one), officers can be exposed to spills and splashes, long days in sunlight, projectile objects and people who simply don't cover their mouth when they cough. The potential for exposure to caustic solids and liquids is enormous, and eyes can even be a portal to common diseases like SARS and measles. Research also suggests that ultraviolet (UV) exposure can cause painful eye injuries and contribute to cataract formation and other long-term injuries.
Tactical eyewear creates a protective barrier to these harmful elements. Most people will don glasses when using machinery or working around chemicals. It is only logical that eye protection should be standard issue for law enforcement officers, as well."
Off the Wall Tactics Against The Wall: What's Your Next Move? /,
July 18, 2008$42372

"The expression back against the wall is often used to describe a dire situation with few options. From a tactical standpoint, having your back against a wall presents a unique set of problems. Since your mobility is severely limited, creating distance or accessing your weapons is no easy task."
Do As I Say, Not As I Do The double standard - street cops and bosses /,
July 22, 2008$42430

"June 5, 2008, reports that San Francisco Police Chief Heather Fong has gone years without qualifying with the service weapon that she carries each day. According to the article by Jaxon Van Derbeken of the SF Chronicle: The issue of Fong's proficiency with a gun was raised last week by Officer Andrew Cohen. He wrote to Police Commission President Theresa Sparks that the chief had gone five years without being certified, which he called "an egregious matter of misconduct." "I know the chief is busy, and an occasional lapse or non-appearance may be justified," Cohen wrote. "However, 10 consecutive failures to qualify are simply outrageous and insulting to all the men and women of the department."
Serious assaults up 30% in the UKNew Scientist Print Edition, 18 July 2008

"DAYS after a weekend of knife attacks in the UK in which six people were stabbed to death and one critically injured in the same 24-hour period, a study has found that hospital admissions due to violent attacks are up almost 30 per cent on four years ago."
Policing 2(2): special edition on Crime Science / Psychology and Crime News, 22 July 2008

The latest issue of Policing (vol 2 no 2) is a special edition on Crime Science featuring in particular the work of the Jill Dando Institute at University College London .

Contents include Ken Pease wondering How to Behave Like a Scientist? and articles on Mathematics, Physics, and Crime, Evolutionary Psychology and Fear of Crime, Crime Prevention Strategies, Forensic Geoscience, Vulnerable Localities, Mobile Phone Crime, Evaluating Crime Prevention and Technology and Policing.

Two articles not part of the special edition on whether Northern Ireland is a model for Post-conflict Police Reform and on the Policing of Fraud.
BSI supports launch of web resource to help manage resilience of IT/ Public Technology, 3 July 2008

"As the resilience of IT systems becomes increasingly dependent on enterprise-wide Business Continuity Management, a comprehensive new BCM portal website has been launched to help organizations of all kinds deal with business disruptions from unexpected events. The site is supported by BSI Group, the world’s leading standards-based business solutions provider and the publisher of the world’s first Business Continuity Management requirements standard, BS 25999-2."
Dorset Police extend contract for microwave radio, wide area network

MLL Telecom is to continue to manage the fixed, microwave radio, wide area network it built for Dorset Police in 2003. The initial contract of five years has been extended for an additional two years until December 2009.

The network provides data and voice services to the majority of police stations in the county of Dorset. Over 30 fully licensed, point-to-point wireless links form the network, allowing access to mission critical systems 24 hours a day.
EU wants public sector websites to be better accessible for the disabled / Public Technology, 3 July 2008
"15% of Europeans suffer from some form of disability, and many face barriers such as reading a website's small text or even knowing how to access websites and online services. Despite repeated calls by the EU and government leaders to improve this situation, progress remains limited: by far the majority of websites fail to use universally accepted user-friendly solutions."
Another successful year for Identity & Passport Service: But ID Cards loom on the horizon/ Public Technology, 2 July 2008

"The Identity and Passport Service (IPS) has had another highly successful year with the smooth introduction of new passport interviews. But, the tough work starts, with the plans to move forward on the National ID cards scheme.

The IPS Annual Report and Accounts published yesterday highlights IPS' success in exceeding all its customer service targets including processing 99.62 per cent of postal passport applications in ten days and a 97.5 per cent customer satisfaction rating. The report also shows that around 9,000 fraud attempts were detected in 2007/2008, up on last year's figures."
Freedom of Information: Scotland to explore extending its reach/ Public Technology, 1 July 2008

"The Scottish Government has raised the prospect of extending the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act to cover more organisations carrying out certain public functions."
Public sector procurement survey reveals room for improvement/ Public Technology, 1 July 2008

"BravoSolution yesterday announced results of a survey of public sector procurement professionals, which revealed they are struggling to implement best practice solutions due to lack of organisational support, but are aware of their poor spend visibility, room for improvement in process efficiency, and need to increase adoption of ‘green’ procurement practices. Bravosolution investigated the views of 107 procurement professionals, nearly half of whom are from medium-to-large organisations (500+ staff) across many specialisations of public sector, including central and local government, healthcare and education."
England's top local priorities for councils are revealed/ Public Technology, 1 July 2008

The results of a comprehensive shake up of council targets and priorities were published yesterday by the Government. The priorities - agreed in partnership with central government - show the pattern of issues across England that councils will now have to grapple with over the next three years.

Councils will now need to devote considerable energy - as many of them already do - to ensuring their communities feel safer, that tackling serious violence and anti-social behaviour is a major priority, and that tackling unemployment and teenage pregnancy is comprehensively addressed.
Intellectual Property & Innovation: Meeting the policy challenges of a knowledge based economy / Public Technology, 9 June 2008

"Ian Fletcher, Chief Executive of the UK Intellectual Property Office, welcomes the establishment of the Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property (SABIP).

Intellectual Property (IP) is an essential component in ensuring the UK's future economic prosperity. Successful translation of creativity, ideas, insights and reputations into value is one of the critical determinants of our prosperity. The IP system enables businesses and innovators to capture value from their innovation."
Police Service Strength: England and Wales - 31 March 2008 /Home Office,22 July 2008
"This statistical release gives figures on annual police strength in England and Wales for the year ending 31 March 2008."
Safe, Sensible, Social: Consultation on further action / Department of Health,22 July 2008
"This consultation seeks views on industry practice and whether there is a need for further regulation of alcohol retailing."


Impact assessment

Monday, July 21, 2008

National Evaluation of Local Public Service Agreements: The impact of local public service agreeement targets - Multivariate analysis /Communities and Local Government,21 July 2008

"This report summarises research that found that local public service agreements can be effective in driving improvements in services with targeted indicators, especially during and after the final year of the agreement period."
Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals: Great Britain 2007 / Home Office, 21 July 2008
"This publication presents 2007 statistics on scientific procedures performed on living animals subject to the provisions of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986."
Promoting Equality, Valuing Diversity: A strategy for the Civil Service /Cabinet Office, 17 July 2008
"This report sets out what the Civil Service wants to achieve in equality and diversity in employment over the next three to five years. It also provides a framework against which individual departments and agencies will take actions."
Preventing Violent Extremism: Next steps for communities /Communities and Local Government, 18 July 2008
"This document reviews the department's progress to date on a range of practical actions to mobilise communities against violent extremists. It celebrates the achievements of local schemes and sets out priorities for the coming year."
Consultation on Safeguarding Children from Sexual Exploitation /Department for Children, Schools and Families, 18 July 2008
"This consultation seeks views on draft guidance that aims to provide practitioners across all relevant agencies and the voluntary and community sector with information about different forms of sexual exploitation to help them identify and safeguard children and young people who are at risk of sexual exploitation, or who are being sexually exploited."

Friday, July 18, 2008

Transformational Government Annual Report 2007 /Cabinet Office,17 July 2008

"This report demonstrates how the Government has made progress towards designing and delivering public services around the needs of the citizen."
Statistical Release: Crime in England and Wales 2007-08 /Home Office, 17 July 2008
"This statistical release summarises the main points from the report Crime in England and Wales 2007-08."
Crime in England and Wales 2007-08/ Home Office, 17 July 2008

"This report presents annual crime statistics for England and Wales for the year ending March 2008, including data from the British Crime Survey and police-recorded crime."
Home Office Research Report Nine: Analysis of police community support officer activity-based costing data - Results from an initial review /Home Office,17 July 2008[]

"This report summarises research on activities undertaken by police community support officers while on active duty and explores whether these activities match the Home Office guidance on the role of these officers."
A Policing Pledge /Home Office, 17 July 2008

"This is an example of what a policing pledge might look like. It is a set of nationally agreed rights that will clarify what everyone can expect from the police. It will also ensure that the public’s voice will be heard by local forces."
The Policing Green Paper: From the neighbourhood to the national - Policing our communities together / Home Office, 17 July 2008
"This green paper explains how the Government will work with police to prevent crime, improve public confidence and give people more information about crime and policing where they live and work."

Subjects: Crime and law enforcement; Economic development; Emergencies; Justice system; Social issues

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Operational Policing: Review of criminality information /Home Office,16 July 2008
"This review examines and recommends necessary improvements for recording and sharing information about criminality within the UK and between the UK and other countries in the interests of public protection."
Time for a change / New Statesman, 17 July 2008
David Blunkett
"One invaluable benefit from having agreed to do the programme has been the proximity to the young men involved and the renewed insight it has given me into youth culture. Many of the young men shared an interest in, and a cultural affinity with, a genre of music called "grime". Let me confess that to me the word meant only my mother's concern to scrub me clean at the age of four! But music, expression and the communication of anger and pent-up frustration go together with young men uncertain of their own masculinity and what the future holds. They came into the prison with a bravado that one would expect and ready for a laugh. They were, after all, going to be on television."
["Banged Up" is on channel Five on Monday 21 July at 9pm and concludes on Monday 28 July.]
Why tough talk on knife crime is not the answer / New Statesman, 17 July 2008
"The Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, deserves praise for making the case for restorative justice, yet it was badly done. There is solid evidence that forcing people to confront the consequences of their crimes is more effective in cutting reoffending than purely punitive measures. A study this month from Cambridge University shows that, under restorative justice, reconviction rates fall by as much as 27 per cent. For those who believe that anything but prison is a soft option, however, the alternatives must be convincing. It was incompetent of the Home Office to wait so long before making it clear that those using knives would not be marched to hospital to visit the victims of their violence. Smith's clarification eventually came, but the damage was done."
[USA] Policing in Arab-American Communities After September 11 / Docuticker, 16 July 2008
"Policing in Arab-American Communities After September 11 reports on a study examining how the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, affected relationships between law enforcement officers and residents in Arab-American neighborhoods. Four significant obstacles to improved relations between police and Arab-American communities were observed: mutual distrust between Arab-American communities and law enforcement, lack of cultural awareness among law enforcement officers, language barriers, and residents’ concerns about immigration status. The study reveals some promising practices for addressing these obstacles."
Report: PDF -
Violent crime? Ask the experts / Guardian, 17 July 2008
Dan Firth
"The problem is that politicians rarely seek people to listen and learn from young people about what they believe are the causes and potential solutions. If they did, they might find that the widening gap between rich and poor is not something that goes unnoticed by young people, particularly as super rich and increasingly poor live cheek by jowl – the haves and the have-nothings. "
Charles Clarke calls for more upfront fees for public services / Guardian, 17 July 2008
Andrew Sparrow
"Taxpayers should be asked to pay directly for a wider range of public services, the former cabinet minister Charles Clarke suggested today. Clarke said that introducing more "user charges" would be "very politically controversial" but could help public services to improve."
Achieving the potential: PDF -
Crime safety advice issued to men / BBC, 17 July 2008
"Crime safety charity the Suzy Lamplugh Trust has issued advice to men for the first time.
The guidance published on its website recommends men carry personal attack alarms and avoid wearing headphones or talking on mobile phones. The trust says men are twice as likely to suffer a violent attack than women. "
Smith offers police job to critic / BBC, 17 July 2008
"Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has offered a job to the police officer who called for her resignation in a pay dispute. Former head of the Police Federation of England and Wales, Jan Berry, has been asked to be "bureaucracy champion" for the police, BBC News has learned.
A drive to cut red tape will feature in a Green Paper on policing."
Arrests in card network inquiry / BBC, 17 July 2008
"Three men have been arrested following a BBC News investigation into one of the UK's largest illegal immigrant communities. They are being interviewed by the police and the UK Border Agency in connection with immigration offences and a forgery racket in west London."
Crime in England and Wales 2007/08 / Home Office, 17 July 2008
Home Office: progress and the next steps / Cabinet Office, 17 July 2008
Home Office Capability Review for 2008
Government review of 'Criminality Information' highlights problems in data sharing / Public Technology, 17 July 2008
"Sir Ian has recommended a package of measures to improve public protection, one of them being a Commission for Public Protection Information. The Commission will advise Ministers on the sharing of criminality information, as well as monitor the Government's progress. The Review has been sent to the Home Office's Home Secretary, who will lead the Government in implementing the Review."

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Street Weapons Commission: Guns, Knives and Street Violence / Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, June 2008
Professor Peter Squires and Arianna Silvestri
Dr Roger Grimshaw and Enver Solomon
The Street Weapons Commission Report / Channel 4, 2008
PDF - Cherie Booth QC, Liam Black, Lord Dear et al
Disrupting the supply of illicit drugs into prisons: A report for the Director General of National Offender Management Service / Ministry of Justice, 2008
David Blakey CBE QPM DL
High hopes: Supporting ex-prisoners in their lives after prison / DWP, 2008
Research Report No 509
Yvette Hartfree, Chris Dearden and Elspeth Pound
Going ballistic: dealing with guns, gangs and knives / Policy Exchange, 2008
Dr Bob Golding and Jonathan McClory
Edited by Gavin Lockhart
Out of sight, out of mind: the State of Mental Healthcare in Prison / Policy Exchange, 2008
Professor Charlie Brooker and Ben Ullmann
Edited by Gavin Lockhart
The Cost of crime / Taxpayers Alliance, 4 July 2008
Matthew Sinclair and Corin Taylor
Ed Balls welcomes Sir Alan Steer’s latest review of behaviour in schools / DCSF, 14 July 2008
Anti-social and other problem behaviours among young children: findings from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children / Home Office, 15 July 2008
Online Report 02/08
Erica Bowen, Jon Heron, Colin Steer
Edited by May El Komy
Characteristics associated with resilience in children at high risk of involvement in anti-social and other problem behaviour / Home Office, 15 July 2008
Findings 283
Erica Bowen, May El Komy and Colin Steer
Anti-social and other problem behaviour among young children: patterns and associated child characteristics / Home Office, 15 July 2008
Findings 282
Erica Bowen, May El Komy and Jon Heron
Family Intervention Projects: An Evaluation of their Design, Set-up and Early Outcomes / DCSF, 10 July 2008
Clarissa White, Martha Warrener, Alice Reeves and Ivana La Valle, National Centre for Social Research
"An evaluation of the Family Intervention Projects has found considerable reductions in the levels of anti-social behaviour and improvements in parenting."
Deserving dignity: The Independent Asylum Commission's Third Report of Conclusions and Recommendations: How to improve the way we treat people seeking sanctuary / Independent Asylum Commission, July 2008
Presentations from Safeguarding children at risk of sexual abuse conference, Wednesday June 18th 2008 / London Safeguarding Children Board, 18 July 2008
- Sexually Coercive Adolescents (Cecilia Kjellgren, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Lund University, Sweden)
- London Child Sexual Exploitation Preventative Education Programme (Libby Fry, Assistant Director, Barnardos London, East and South East)
- School Responses to Children with Sexually Harmful Behaviours (Julie Henniker, Project Manager, Aim Project)
- Child Sexual Abuse Prevention - Whose Responsibility Is It? (Tink Palmer, Director, Stop It Now!)
- Training Adults How to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (Jeff Chasen, Chief Operation Officer, AGOS Group, USA)
- Smarter Adults, Safer Children Programme - Handout for Participants (Jeff Chasen, Chief Operation Officer, AGOS Group, USA)
New report reveals anguish and strength of asylum seeking young people and children / British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF), 14 July 2008
"Refugee and asylum-seeking children and young people’s experiences have a profound impact on their emotional well-being and mental health, reveals a major new study by the Thomas Coram Research Unit at the Institute of Education."
Report may be purchased from BAAF