Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Cannabis could increase risk of psychotic illness later in life by 40 %
The Lancet, Vol 370, No 9584, 28 July 2007, PP319-328
Theresa HM Moore , Dr Stanley Zammit, Anne Lingford-Hughes et al
[Sub required]

Monday, July 30, 2007

Passengers' Experiences of Air Travel: Eighth Report of Session 2006- 07: Report, together with formal minutes / TSO, 26 July 2007
Volume I
PDF - http://digbig.com/4thgq
House of Commons Transport Committee
HC 435-I
Volume II
PDF - http://digbig.com/4thgr
HC 435-II
'[Volume I discusses security implications of long queues in airports: Chapter 5 - Security.]'
Drug driving
Government's reponse to the Committee's Tenth Report of this Session: The Treatment of Asylum Seekers: seventeenth report of session 2006- 07: report, together with formal minutes and appendices / TSO 5 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4thgm
Parliament. House of Lords. House of Commons. Joint Committee on Human Rights
HL Paper 134
HC 790
The Gender Agenda: the unfinished revolution / Equal Opportunities Commission, 24 July 2007
PDF - http://www.eoc.org.uk/pdf/Gender_Agenda_GB_web.pdf
The Gender Equality Index
PDF - http://www.eoc.org.uk/pdf/Gender_Equality_Index_GB_web.pdf
Sure Start Local Programmes and Domestic Abuse / DCSF, July 2007
PDF - http://www.dfes.gov.uk/research/data/uploadfiles/NESS2007FR025.pdf
Understanding the contribution of Sure Start Local Programmes to the task of safeguarding children's welfare: national evaluation summary / DCSF, July 2007
Professor Jane Tunstill and Debra Allnock
MySpace bars 29,000 sex offenders / BBC, 25 July 2007
Domestic abuse: Support and prevention project set up / ChildrenNow, 24 July 2007
'A support group for boys who have been living with dom­estic abuse and show signs of aggression is being set up in Bristol.'
Guidance on the use of biometric systems in schools / BECTA, 23 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4thgg
Offender Management Bill receives Royal Assent / Ministry of Justice, 27 July 2007
FRANK – Advertising Tracker Wave 6: Findings on the ‘Brain Warehouse’ cannabis campaign: a summary: 25th June 2007 / 27 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4thft
Aiming high for young people: a ten year strategy for positive activities / DCSF, 26 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4thfs
'This document looks at how the Government can help all young people, particularly those in deprived areas, to take part in enjoyable activities in their free time which can help them develop new skills and raise their aspirations.'
The Misuse of Drugs and Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 / OPSI, 26 July 2007
SI 2007 No 2154
The National Police Records (Recordable Offences) (Amendment) Regulations 2007 / OPSI, 26 July 2007
SI 2007 No 2121
The Independent Police Complaints Commission oversight of Border and Immigration Agency incidents and complaints: consultation paper / BIA, July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4thfq
Security Structures in the Cabinet Office / Cabinet Office, 25 July 2007
'Following the statement by the Prime Minister, Cabinet Secretary Sir Gus O'Donnell has announced changes in the organisation of the Security and Intelligence function in the Cabinet Office.'
Police Service Strength: England And Wales; 31 March 2007 / RDS, 26 July 2007
PDF - http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs07/hosb1307.pdf
Home Office Statistical Bulletin 13/07
National DNA Database, Home Department: [Written Ministerial Statement] / Hansard, 25 July 2007
'Announces the establishment of an Ethics Group to provide Ministers with independent ethical advice on the operation and practice of the National DNA Database (NDNAD).'
SIA Annual Report and Accounts 2006 - 2007 / Security Industry Authority, 27 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4thfj
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Fifth Periodic Report from the United Kingdom, the Crown Dependencies, the British Overseas Territories / July 2007
PDF - http://www.justice.gov.uk/docs/ICESCR-whole-report.pdf
New law to prevent forced marriage / Ministry of Justice, 26 July 2007
"Legislation aimed at protecting the victims of forced marriages and preventing them from taking place has received Royal Assent."
Forced Marriage (Civil Protection Act) 2007: Chapter 20
PDF - http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts2007/ukpga_20070020_en.pdf
Justice for corporate deaths: royal assent for corporate manslaughter and corporate homicide act / Ministry of Justice, 26 July 2007
Corporate manslaughter and corporate homicide bill
Prisoner safety in HM prisons / HMI Prisons, 27 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4thfe

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Women and justice: the third annual review of the Commission on Women and the Criminal Justice System /Fawcett Society, 24 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgrx
Speech to Fawcett Society at report launch: David Hanson, Ministry of Justice [prepared text of speech]
Independent Complaints Mediator Annual Report 2006/07 / Criminal Records Bureau, 25 July 2007
PDF - http://www.crb.gov.uk/pdf/ICM%20Report%202006_07.pdf
CRB Customer Satisfaction Survey: 2006/07 / TSO, 25 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgrg
CRB Business Plan 2007/08 / Criminal Records Bureau, 25 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgrk
Identity and Passport Service: Annual Report and Accounts 2006-07 / Home Office, 25 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgrf
Drugs: Our Community, Your Say: A Consultation Paper / Home Office, 25 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgre
Consultation ends: 19 October 2007
Offender Management Inspection: A report on Offender Management in Nottinghamshire / HMI Probation, 17 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgqy
The future role of the third sector in social and economic regeneration: final report / HM Treasury and Cabinet Office, July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgqh
"The Government's final report of its review of the third sector sets out a strategy to work with third sector organisations over the next ten years to promote social and economic regeneration."
Control Order Quarterly Statement: 11 March 2007 - 10 June 2007 / Home Office, June 2007
Government on track to save up to £1.5 billion / Government News Network, 23 July 2007
"Government Departments are on track to save up to £1.5 billion a year through more effective management of the Government Estate. The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) announced the latest in a series of measures to maximise the benefits of Government property."
Equal Opportunities Commission e-News: July 2007 / EOC, 24 July 2007
"A special edition, focusing solely on the Gender Agenda."
Code of Practice: Identifying 'what works' for socially excluded people / Cabinet Office, 24 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgqb
"This gives information on the Social Exclusion Task Force's code of practice, due to be published in March 2008, that will set out guiding principles for evaluating services and programmes for socially excluded groups."
NICE guidelines published to improve treatment for substance misuse / NICE, 25 July 2007
The guidelines cover:
- the support and treatment people can expect to be offered if they have a problem with or are dependent on opioids, stimulants or cannabis
- how families and carers may be able to support a person with a drug problem and get help for themselves.
Drug misuse: psychosocial interventions: NICE clinical guideline 51
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgpx
Drug misuse: opioid detoxification: NICE clinical guideline 52
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgqa
Learning the lessons: annual report and statement of accounts: 2006/07 / IPCC, 23 July 2007
PDF - http://www.ipcc.gov.uk/annual_report_0607.pdf
Isle of Wight prisons clustering project / HM Prison Service, 24 July 2007
"A new clustering project has been set up by the Prison Service to consider opportunities for improving performance. By clustering operations across the three Isle of Wight prisons: Albany, Camp Hill and Parkhurst, the project will aim to identify how the strengths of these establishments can be developed further and how the available resources can be used as effectively as possible. The project is expected to provide recommendations for implementation in April 2008."

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Priorities for the Ministers for Women: Session 2006/2007 / TSO, 18 July 2007
PDF - http://www.official-documents.gov.uk/document/cm71/7183/7183.pdf
Cm 7183
"On 17 July the Minister for Women, Harriet Harman, set out her key priorities - providing better support for family carers, tackling violence towards women and human trafficking, and empowering black and minority ethnic women to build community cohesion."
Government launches consultation on helping children and young people stay safe / Department for Children, Schools and Families, 18 July 2007
Staying Safe: A Consultation Document
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgnx
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgnw
" The Government is publishing "Staying Safe" to promote discussion on how best to keep children safe. The strategy also looks at how to best protect vulnerable children and young people and how to respond when children and young people have been harmed."
Consultation ends: 31 October 2007
A New Council of Europe Convention to protect children against sexual exploitation and abuse / Council of Europe, 13 July 2007
Full text of the Convention and Explanatory Report
Bangladesh : Country of Origin Information Report / RDS-BIA, June 2007
DOC - http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs07/bangladesh-280607.doc
Zimbabwe: Country of Origin Information Report / RDS-BIA, June 2007
DOC - http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs07/bangladesh-280607.doc
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgns
Rebecca Stotzer
"Current proposed legislation would change certain existing federal hate crime laws to add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected categories. Sexual orientation and gender identity are important categories for inclusion in federal law because members of these groups are just as likely to be victimized as members of other groups that are already covered, such as those based on race, religion, or national origin. A close analysis of hate crime rates demonstrates that groups that are already covered by hate crime laws, such as African Americans, Muslims, and Jews, report similar rates of hate crime victimization as lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals, who are not currently federally protected. Currently hate crimes based on gender expression are not covered in federal hate crime legislation."
Guidance on biometric technologies in schools : Version 1, July 2007 / BECTA, July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgnn
11 Million: Annual Report and Accounts 2006/07 / TSO, 24 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgnm
""11 Million" is led by the Children's Commissioner, Professor Sir Albert Aynsley-Green, and was previously known as the "Office of the Children's Commissioner""
National Insurance Number Allocations to Overseas Nationals entering the UK (previously Migrant Workers Statistics) / DWP, 24 July 2007
PDF - http://www.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd1/niall/niall_background.pdf
Full report
PDF - http://www.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd1/niall/niall_report.pdf
First release
PDF - http://www.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd1/niall/niall_first_release.pdf
National Probation Service Bulletin: Issue 65 / NOMS, 20 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgnk
National Probation Service Bulletin: Issue 64 / NOMS, 13 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgnj
IOC calls on Britain to criminalise doping / Guardian, 24 July 2007
Martyn Herman
Report on the unannounced inspection of the non-residential short-term holding facility at Becket House: 17 January 2007: by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons / HMI Prisons, 16 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgng
Report on an announced inspection of HMP Maidstone: 19-23 February 2007: by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons / HMI Prisons, 10 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgnf
Alcohol and Aggression: A Test of the Attention-Allocation Model
Psychological Science Volume 18 Issue 7 Page 649-655, July 2007
Peter R. Giancola, Michelle D. CormanPsychological Science 18 (7), 649–655
"This article presents the first systematic test of the attention-allocation model for alcohol-related aggression. According to this model, alcohol has a "myopic" effect on attentional capacity that presumably facilitates aggression by focusing attention on more salient provocative, rather than less salient inhibitory, cues in hostile situations. Aggression was assessed using a laboratory task in which mild electric shocks were received from, and administered to, a fictitious opponent. Results indicated that the moderate-load distraction (ie. holding four elements in sequential order in working memory) suppressed aggression best. Cognitive loads of larger and smaller magnitudes were not successful in attenuating aggression."
[Sub required]
Good days and bad days / Guardian, 24 July 2007
Peter Kingston
"Pays an exclusive visit to Rampton's new education unit for men who may never be freed."
One in 10 year six pupils classed as 'drinkers' / Telegraph, 24 July 2007
Graeme Paton
"As many as one in 10 children drink alcohol in their final year of primary school, figures show.
In a survey of almost 70,000 young people, it is claimed that drinking is rife among children aged as young as 10 and 11. The study, by the Schools Health Education Unit, said under-age girls were more likely to get drunk than boys."
Business plan 2007/08 / National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse, July 2007
PDF - http://www.nta.nhs.uk/publications/documents/nta_business_plan_2007_08.pdf
Should the police be reporting for jury duty? / The Times, 24 July 2007
Frances Gibb
"Three cases will ask if they have too much influence on decisions."
Defence and Peace Economics, Volume 18, Issue 1 2007 , pages 1 - 23
Malcolm Chalmers
"While the general argument that it is easier and more cost-effective to prevent conflicts before the outbreak of violence has considerable attraction, a rigorous approach to estimating the cost and benefits of this policy is still lacking. The objective of this study is to contribute to the development of such an approach. The project involves six case studies, three retrospective (the Western Balkans, Afghanistan, and Rwanda) and three prospective (Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and southern Sudan). Its main conclusion is that targeted programmes of conflict prevention are (or would have been) significantly cheaper than cure."
Resisting the stereotype of 'Muslim-Australian' / Online Opinion, 24 July 2007
Liza Hopkins
"It seems ironic that the current concern with defining the Australian national identity has come at the very time that national identity in many places is coming under threat both from above and below. Globalising forces impose top-down cultural and economic hegemony while bottom-up efforts assert the importance of sub-national collective identities."
The Use of Malware Analysis in Support of Law Enforcement /CERT Coordination Center, 11 July 2007
PDF - http://www.cert.org/archive/pdf/malware-7-07.pdf
Nicholas Ianelli, Ross Kinder, Christian Roylo
"In this paper, we discuss how malware analysis supports the efforts of those pursuing adversaries employing malicious code in their tradecraft. We provide examples of the types of insights that can be made by examining artifacts of a computer intrusion (such as malicious code). We also discuss how those insights can become clues law enforcement officials can use to further an investigation."
Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals: Great Britain 2006 / TSO, 23 July 2007
PDF - http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs07/spanimals06.pdf
Great Britain. Home Office
Cm 7153

Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals: Great Britain 2006: online supplementary tables & appendices / RDS, 23 July 2007

Assessing the extent of discretionary disclosure under the Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) / RDS, 23 July 2007
PDF - http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs07/rdsolr1307.pdf
Jenny Cann
Home Office Online Report 13/07

Assessing the extent of discretionary disclosure under the Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements / RDS, 23 July 2007
PDF - http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs07/r286.pdf
Jenny Cann
Findings 286

The Operation and experience of Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) / RDS, 23 July 2007
PDF - http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs07/rdsolr1207.pdf
Jason Wood, Hazel Kemshall, Mike Maguire, Kirsty Hudson and Gill Mackenzie
Home Office Online Report 12/07

The Operation and experience of Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) / RDS, 23 July 2007
PDF - http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs07/r285.pdf
Jason Wood and Hazel Kemshall
Findings 285
Tackling Anti–Social Behaviour: Forty–fourth Report of Session 2006–07: Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence / TSO, 24 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgme
Parliament. House of Commons. Committee of Public Accounts
HC 246

Monday, July 23, 2007

Budget cuts force civil servants to reskill / Personnel Today, 23 July 2007
Greg Pitcher
"A huge training project is necessary to prepare central government line managers to do their jobs with a reduced budget."
PDF - http://www.acpo.police.uk/asp/policies/Data/Policing_of_Roads.pdf
"Produced on behalf of the Association of Chief Police Officers by the National Policing Improvement Agency"
[USA] Do Tasers save lives? DeKalb takes another look / The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 23 July 2007
"By the time the DeKalb County Police Department stopped its limited use of Tasers in 2005, Phoenix police had gone to the other extreme, giving every officer one of the stun guns. The following year, DeKalb police shot and killed 12 suspects, more than any other metro Atlanta police department. The shootings prompted demonstrations and a grand jury investigation. By contrast, shootings by Phoenix police causing injury or death dropped 54 percent in the first year of full Taser deployment — one of the statistics cited by DeKalb police Chief Terrell Bolton when he announced recently he is considering lifting DeKalb's moratorium and issuing Tasers to all officers."
'I was tripping as if I'd taken LSD' / Telegraph, 23 July 2007
Carl Edwards
"Recalls how cannabis nearly destroyed him."
[Scotland] Report of the stocktake of Alcohol and Drug Action Teams / Scottish Executive, 23 July 2007

[Scotland] A Report on the review of residential drug detoxification and rehabilitation services in Scotland / Scottish Executive, 23 July 2007

[Scotland] Reducing harm and promoting recovery: a report on methadone treatment for substance misuse in Scotland: SACDM Methadone Project Group / Scottish Executive, 23 July 2007

[Scotland] Review of Methadone in Drug Treatment: Prescribing Information and Practice / Scottish Executive, 23 July 2007

[Scotland] Scottish Drugs Forum: Review of the role of methadone in the treatment of drug problems / Scottish Executive, 23 July 2007
New Government Office for Science / Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills, 20 July 2007
"A Government Office for Science, headed by the Government Chief Scientific Adviser (GCSA) Sir David King will be created within the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS), reporting to the Prime Minister and Cabinet. The Government Office for Science will take over the functions and resources of the Transdepartmental Science and Technology Group of the Office of Science and Innovation, which was within the former Department of Trade and Industry."
[USA] Trace Analysis--Glass Evidence: Don't walk on the broken glass / Officer.com, 22 July 2007
How Can You Distinguish a Budding Pedophile From a Kid With Real Boundary Problems? / New York Times, 22 July 2007
SOCA, so good?
Jane's Intelligence Review, 5 July 2007
"The UK has never had a law enforcement agency like this," says Bill Hughes, director-general of the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA). Established in April 2006 to reduce the harm caused by organised crime in the UK, the agency is now trying to measure its success."
[Sub required]
Police Chief’s efforts against sexism / icWales, 23 July 2007
Catrin Pascoe
"Barbara Wilding talks to Catherine Jones about her rise through the ranks to be Chief Constable of South Wales and the sexism she refused to let stand in her way."
Cleveland cops chasing better pay and conditions down under
Jane's Police Review, 18 July 2007
"OFFICERS are leaving their jobs with Cleveland Police and are being lured to forces in Australia and New Zealand by the offer of better pay and living conditions."
[Sub required]
Thousands of officers facing up to brave new workplace world
Jane's Police Review, 18 July 2007
"UP to 8,000 police officers and staff are to be involved in 11 workforce modernisation demonstration sites in 13 different forces under a newly-launched scheme. Forces taking part should be able to negotiate flexibility from the Government in a number of areas such as rewards, powers and certain working practices 'that would be difficult to achieve as stand alone forces', Bob Quick said at the launch."
[Sub required]
Women on the Move: The Neglected Gender Dimension of the Brain Drain / Institute for the Study of Labor, July 2007
PDF - http://ftp.iza.org/dp2920.pdf
Jean-Christophe Dumont; John P. Martin; Gilles Spielvogel
IZA Discussion Paper No. 2920
"Two trends in international migration flows have attracted much attention recently: (i) the
growing feminisation of migration flows; and (ii) the increasing selectivity of migration towards
the highly skilled, which in turn has given rise to renewed concerns about the “brain drain”
consequences for the sending countries. The two issues have not been considered jointly,
however, mainly due to the lack of relevant data. This paper addresses this shortcoming by
looking at the gender dimension of the brain drain, based on a new comparable data set that
has been collected by the OECD and which allows us to identify people by country of
residence, place of birth, gender and level of education."
12-month ISSP (Summary) (B333) / Youth Justice Board, July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tghw
"The Intensive Supervision and Surveillance Programme (ISSP) was introduced by the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB) in 2001, and is recognised as the most robust and innovative community-based programme available for persistent and serious young offenders. This publication summarises the evaluation and research findings of the pilot."
This Circular Clarifies The Allowance Payable To Superintendents And Chief Superintendents Rated As Exceptional When On The Penultimate Pay Point / Home Office, 20 July 2007
Home Office Circular 024 / 2007
Smash-Up: How a Violent Car Crash Provided Lessons in Business Continuity and Succession Planning / CIO.com, 11 July 2007
"Juniper Networks CIO Alan Boehme had a standard business continuity and succession plan, but one violent moment on a California highway revealed its shortcomings."
World Migration Map: Oceania / Migration Policy Institute, July 2007
"The MPI Data Hub continues to expand the World Migration Map Data Tool. This Data Tool shows the origins and destinations of migrants from nearly every country in the world."
Investigating and detecting recorded offences of rape / RDS, 20 July 2007
PDF - http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs07/rdsolr1807.pdf
Andy Feist; Jane Ashe; Jane Lawrence; Duncan McPhee; Rachel Wilson
Home Office Online Report 18/07

Friday, July 20, 2007

Pact made to share biometric information / Public Servant Daily, 17 July 2007
"The UK and Ireland have agreed to share more information to help prevent terrorist attacks. As part of a meeting of the British Irish Council, Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Irish Taoiseach Bertie Ahern agreed to share biometric data taken from visas."

[USA] Gang Wars: The Failure of Enforcement Tactics and the Need for Effective Public Safety Strategies / Justice Policy Institute, July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgfd
Judith Greene and Kevin Pranis

Taser stun guns' use to be extended / Daily Mail, 19 July 2007
Police will be able to use Taser stun guns on members of the public in a wider range of circumstances.
We reveal how easy it is to buy lethal stun guns / Daily Mail, 19 July 2007
‘Violence’, Safety Crimes and Criminology
British Journal of Criminology, Volume 47, Number 4, Pp. 531-550
Steve Tombs
"While safety crimes far outweigh crimes of ‘conventional’ violence, British criminology continues to operate with rather narrow definitions of violence which exclude these. The aim of this paper is to examine the key ways in which occupational injury and death remain excluded by criminological definitions of violence. The paper concludes by speculating on the preconditions for any such recognition, before noting frameworks for studying violence within which safety crimes, or corporate violence, are coherently accommodated."
[Sub required]
The Pros and Cons of Life Without Parole
British Journal of Criminology, Volume 47, Number 4, Pp. 597-615
Catherine Appleton and Bent Grøver
"In this article we draw attention to the rapid and extraordinary increase in the use of ‘life imprisonment without parole’ in the United States. We aim to critically assess the main arguments put forward by supporters of whole life imprisonment as a punishment provided by law to replace the death penalty and argue against life-long detention as the ultimate sanction."
[Sub required]
Killing Gay Men, 1976–2001
British Journal of Criminology, Volume 47, Number 4, Pp. 573-595
Peter Bartlett
"The primary claim of this paper is that sufficient consistencies can be shown in the cases studied here and in the related literature that gay sexual homicide constitutes a coherent object of study. The cases in this study present sexual crime in a context in which women are absent, and, as such, raise questions about the scope, assumptions and findings of that literature."
[Sub required]
Family-Based Justice in the Sentencing of Domestic Violence
British Journal of Criminology, Volume 47, Number 4, Pp. 655-670
Ronit Dinovitzer and Myrna Dawson
"This paper investigates the role of the family in the sentencing of offenders in a specialized domestic violence court. We examine both the likelihood of incarceration and the determinants of sentence length, and find that conceptions of the family continue to have an important influence on these criminal process outcomes. In cases in which the victim has suffered serious injuries, offenders in intact relationships are more likely to be sentenced to jail, yet, at the same time, when incarcerated, these offenders receive shorter sentences. The current study suggests the continued relevance of ‘family-based justice’ in the sanctioning of offenders, so that moral imperatives continue to intersect with the actuarial logic of modern penal practices."
[Sub required]
Evaluating Domestic Violence Initiatives
British Journal of Criminology, Volume 47, Number 4, Pp. 671-691
Alpa Parmar and Alice Sampson
[Sub required]
Your boss could own your Facebook profile / OUT-LAW News, 13 July 2007
"Employers could have grounds to demand ownership of employees' social networking profiles, such as those generated on Facebook, MySpace or Bebo, according to a leading intellectual property lawyer.
The Policing of Young Offenders
British Journal of Criminology, Volume 47, Number 4, Pp. 635-654
Ian Waters
"This paper assesses the involvement of the police in Intensive Supervision and Surveillance Programme (ISSP, as well as the wider contribution of police officers to youth offending teams (YOTs). Whilst the study identified ‘good practice’ in relation to intelligence-led policing and joined-up youth justice intervention, there was some variability amongst ISSP schemes and YOTs. ... the specific contribution of police officers to youth justice work was regarded by civilian practitioners and police officers themselves as unique and specialised. It was found that the police are key in terms of ‘brokering access’ to young offenders."
[Sub required]
Government Servers Hosting Phishing Sites / Symantec, 12 July 2007
"In recent months, Symantec has detected a number of phishing sites that have been hosted on government URLs. In June alone, phishing sites were identified on government sites from the following countries: Thailand (.go.th), Indonesia (.go.id), Hungary (.gov.hu), Bangladesh (.gov.bd), Argentina (.gov.ar), Sri Lanka (.gov.lk), Ukraine (.gov.ua), China (.gov.cn), Brazil (.gov.br), Bosnia and Herzegovina (.gov.ba), Columbia (.gov.co), and Malaysia (.gov.my)."
[USA] Deaths in Custody Statistical Tables / US. Bureau of Justice Statistics, 18 July 2007
Christopher J. Mumola, Margaret E. Noonan

Public Expenditure 2006 – 2007 : Provisional Outturn / TSO, 19 July 2007
PDF - http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/media/1/2/peowp_0607_190707.pdf
HM Treasury
Cm 7156
PEOWP National Statistics Update / HM Treasury, 19 July 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sweden proposes to relax worker visas, restrict asylum / WorkPermit.com, 19 July 2007
"The Swedish government, in an effort to alleviate labour shortages and pressure on rising wage levels, has proposed opening its borders to foreign workers. It will also restrict asylum seekers from Iraq after initially being fairly liberal about accepting them."
[USA] In violent neighborhoods, adults too fearful to intervene with most young offenders / EurekAlert!, 17 July 2007
"A study of young, violent criminals in New York City found that they used fear and intimidation to keep adults from interfering with their criminal activities. Almost 40 percent of the young offenders interviewed said that adults' fear of teens was the defining characteristic of their relations."
[Scotland] Giving Up Crime: Directions For Policy / Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research, July 2007
PDF - http://www.sccjr.ac.uk/files/2ec2d60d178568c5af7d06f156822ec5.pdf
Beth Weaver and Fergus McNeill
[USA] Motivating OFFENDERS TO CHANGE: A Guide for Probation and Parole / National Institute of Corrections, June 2007
PDF - http://nicic.org/Downloads/PDF/Library/022253.pdf
The Use of the Community Order and the Suspended Sentence Order for Young Adult Offenders / Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, July 2007
PDF - http://www.kcl.ac.uk/depsta/rel/ccjs/community-order-2007.pdf
Stephen Stanley
Police on course to learn Islamic issues / Asian Image, 19 July 2007
Paul Keaveny
"POLICE officers in Bolton are going back to college to learn about Islamic issues. 20 officers took part in a two-hour Islamic cultural awareness course at the Islamic College for Boys."
World-first Bluetooth system 'to transform access to services' / 24dash.com, 19 July 2007
Ian Morgan
"The so-called Blu Points will go live this week at three venues in Cardiff. There is hope the technology will be integrated at a variety of different venues and attractions across the United Kingdom with Bluetooth technology within mobile phones already widespread.
Uses of the technology could be to provide opening times at theatres, listings of local pubs, clubs and restaurants, weather warnings, traffic information, timetables at bus and train stations or even crime appeals issued by police."
CUTTING CRIME: a new partnership 2008-11 / Home Office, 19 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgdf [large file]
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgdg
"The Home Office crime strategy sets out the main lessons learned over the past 10 years and looks forward to building on the lessons to address new crime challenges. The strategy aims to encourage a more rounded view of tackling crime, from prevention through to rehabilitation, working in partnership across Government and particularly with the new Ministry of Justice."
‘Are You Thick?’: A Case Study of Confrontational Aspects of a Police Interview with a Suspect
The Police Journal, Volume: 80 Issue: 2, June 2007, Pages: 99-108
James S. Baxter, Stella A. Bain, Jennifer H. Mcausland
"It is argued that whether or not such interviews result in confessions by suspects, confrontational interviewing of suspects is likely to bring additional, unnecessary, and avoidable challenges to a prosecution case. It is also noted that the expert evidence on interviewing may on occasion be insufficiently informed or biased, contrary to what should be the professional attitude of the expert involved."
Crisis Intervention: The Police Response to Vulnerable Individuals
The Police Journal, Volume: 80 Issue: 2, June 2007, Pages: 109-116
Rick Parent
"Police agencies require a specialised response when dealing with individuals who are vulnerable owing to their emotional, mental or physical state. During their time of crisis, these individuals may be irrational and violent due to factors that include suicidal ideation, psychosis, emotional upheaval and the influence of a substance. In a significant number of these cases the police response has resulted in the wounding or death of the vulnerable individual. ... By way of specialised training, tactics and less-lethal weaponry the police may be able to facilitate a successful intervention to an otherwise tragic event."
[Sub required]
Community Policing: Broken Windows, Community Building, and Satisfaction with the Police
The Police Journal, Volume: 80 Issue: 2, June 2007, Pages: 117-140
Dr Robert Lombardo, Dr Todd Lough
"The article starts by reviewing the development of community policing in the USA. We argue that there is sound theoretical evidence to support community policing, particularly those programmes that improve citizen satisfaction with the manner in which police carry out their responsibilities."
Police perceptions of the long- and short-term spatial distribution of residential burglary
International Journal of Police Science and Management, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, June 2007, Pages: 99-111
Lindsay M. McLaughlin, Shane D. Johnson, Kate J. Bowers, Dan J. Birks, Ken Pease
"This paper seeks to explore police officer perception of the spatial distribution of residential burglary over different time periods. It examines the accuracy of their impressions of the locations of crime over the preceding year and the preceding two weeks. It also explores how these perceptions might affect the deployment of resources and police action. The results suggest that whilst officers have a good idea of where burglary occurred over the preceding year, they are less accurate for the recent distribution of risk because short-term hotspots are indeed significantly more unstable than long-term hotspots. The short-term predictive power of both one-year and two-week retrospective perceptions is very limited. Tactical advantages will only be afforded by the swift and routine identification of emerging short-term hotspots."
[Sub required]
Creativity as a determinant of thinking style in police investigations
International Journal of Police Science and Management, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, June 2007, Page(s): 112-121
Geoff Dean, Ivar Andre Fahsing, Petter Gottschalk
"This paper is concerned with how police detectives experience, understand, and think about the process of doing serious and complex criminal investigations."
[Sub required]
Beyond ‘polibation’ and towards ‘prisipolibation’?: Joint agency offender management in the context of the Street Crime Initiative
International Journal of Police Science and Management, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, June 2007, Pages: 122-134
Rob C. Mawby, Peter Crawley, Alan Wright
"This paper reflects on the trajectory in England and Wales towards greater criminal justice multi- and inter-agency cooperation with the objective of reducing crime. In particular we focus on the potential for the emergence of new forms of offender supervision that combine the close monitoring of specified groups of offenders with supportive resettlement programmes. We examine whether a new criminal justice practitioner is developing within this context, offering an ‘end-to-end’ service that blends and merges the operating practices of the participating agencies."
[Sub required]
Human trafficking to Australia : a research challenge / Australian Institute of Criminology, June 2007
Judy Putt
Trends and issues in crime and criminal justice, no. 338
" This paper provides an overview of the challenges involved in obtaining reliable information on the trafficking process."
The Relationship between emotional state and other variables influencing successful reintegration of ex-prisoners / Criminology Research Council, July 2007
Joe Graffam and Alison Shinkfield
"Community reintegration of ex-prisoners is an important issue in efforts to reduce recidivism. The present study examined the multiple interactive variables influencing successful reintegration of ex-prisoners, with a specific focus on the role of emotional state in the reintegration process. Participants were 101 adult prisoners who completed a pre-release questionnaire one month prior to their release that focused on prison-related variables, participant background, and anticipated conditions upon release."
Homicide in Australia : 2005-06 National Homicide Monitoring Program annual report / Australian Institute of Criminology, July 2007
Megan Davies and Jenny Mouzos
Research and public policy series, no. 77
Agility and the Dangers of Seagull Management / CIO.com, 17 July 2007
Michael Hugos
"One day my staff informed me that I was practicing “seagull management” and it was driving them crazy. “What’s seagull management?” I asked. They explained it’s what happened when I flew in, ******* all over what they were doing, and then flew away again. ... What I learned though, was that my behavior was counter productive and the best work happened when I gave people clear directions about what they needed to accomplish and then let them figure out for themselves how to get the job done."
Violent crime, disorder and criminal damage since the introduction of the Licensing Act 2003 / RDS, 19 July 2007
PDF - http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs07/rdsolr1607.pdf
Penny Babb
Home Office Online Report 16/07
Drink most to blame for violent offences / Guardian, 20 July 2007
Alan Travis
Crime in England and Wales 2006/07 / RDS, 19 July 2007
PDF - http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs07/hosb1107.pdf
Sian Nicholas, Chris Kershaw and Alison Walker
Home Office Statistical Bulletin 11/07
Statistical tables from the chapters
Crime in England and Wales 2006/07: A Summary of the Main Figures
PDF - http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs07/crime0607summ.pdf
Home Office response to the review of Crime Statistics
France justice minister promotes criminal code crackdown on young offenders / JURIST, 17 July 2007
Gabriel Haboubi
"French Justice Minister Rachida Dati [official profile, in French] pressed a bill to toughen the country's criminal code [transcript, in French] in an appearance before the National Assembly. The bill, which fulfills a campaign promise of President Nicolas Sarkozy will allow minors as young as 16 to be treated as adults when charges are serious. It will also establish minimum sentences for repeat offenders."
Crisis in the cells: Doctors reveal the problems gripping prisons in England and Wales / BMA, 19 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgcw
[USA] When the “never happens” happens to you, Part I / Corrections.com, 18 July 2007
Tracy E. Barnhart
"When I was first working in a maximum security juvenile prison I wanted information on what to do if taken hostage by inmates. This was a taboo concept, and as I have found during my research is taboo across the correctional society. It is like a two hundred pound gorilla in the room; everybody knows it’s there but nobody wants to talk about it."
Venezuela is key link for the drug smugglers / Telegraph, 19 July 2007
Jeremy McDermott
"Venezuela has become the key link in the new drug smuggling route from South America to Europe. Its increasingly corrupt security forces are accused of turning a blind eye to the activities of smugglers - and possibly shielding drugs barons."
E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century: The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture
Scandinavian Political Studies, Volume 30 Issue 2 Page 137-174, June 2007
Robert D. Putnam (2007)
"Ethnic diversity is increasing in most advanced countries, driven mostly by sharp increases in immigration. In the long run immigration and diversity are likely to have important cultural, economic, fiscal, and developmental benefits. In the short run, however, immigration and ethnic diversity tend to reduce social solidarity and social capital. New evidence from the US suggests that in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods residents of all races tend to ‘hunker down’. Trust (even of one's own race) is lower, altruism and community cooperation rarer, friends fewer. In the long run, however, successful immigrant societies have overcome such fragmentation by creating new, cross-cutting forms of social solidarity and more encompassing identities."
The Deterrent Effects of Prison: Evidence from a Natural Experiment / Institute for the Study of Labor, July 2007
PDF - http://ftp.iza.org/dp2912.pdf
IZA Discussion Paper No. 2912
Francesco Drago; Roberto Galbiati; Pietro Vertova
Police Funding: Fourth Report of Session 2006–07: Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence / TSO, 19 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tgck
HC 553
Parliament. House of Commons. Home Affairs Committee

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tool enables legal and IT teams to identify and analyse crucial e-mails in investigations and litigation / BAPCO Journal, 16 July 2007
"Kroll Ontrack®, has launched its new e-mail investigation and analytics tool - Ontrack® Firstview™. The software provides a desktop based search and analytics system that helps legal advisers and IT teams appraise the scope and potential significance of e-mail for evidence purposes. As a result the software can help facilitate more control in an internal investigation and reduce the costs in a litigation and disclosure exercise."
[USA] Will security firms detect police spyware? / News.com, 17 July 2007
Declan McCullagh and Anne Broache
"A recent federal court decision raises the question of whether antivirus companies may intentionally overlook spyware that is secretly placed on computers by police."
Know Your Enemy: Fast-Flux Service Networks / Honeynet Project, 13 July 2007
PDF - http://www.honeynet.org/papers/ff/fast-flux.pdf
"This paper demonstrates a growing, sophisticated technique called fast-flux service networks which we are seeing increasingly used in the wild. Fast-flux service networks are a network of compromised computer systems with public DNS records that are constantly changing, in some cases every few minutes. These constantly changing architectures make it much more difficult to track down criminal activities and shut down their operations."
The Terrorist Threat to the US Homeland / OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, July 2007
PDF - http://www.dni.gov/press_releases/20070717_release.pdf
Good Practice in Offender Health / Department of Health, 9 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tfyr
"The report outlines examples of good practice in provision of health care services to offenders in prison and the community. The examples have been drawn from surveys, internet search and individual submissions."
Governments make progress in interpersonal violence prevention / WHO, 16 July 2007
"National efforts leading to significant progress, reports World Health Organization (WHO).
Governments around the world are taking new and stronger measures to quell interpersonal violence and its life-long health consequences."
Third Milestones of a Global Campaign for Violence Prevention Report 2007: Scaling up / WHO, July 2007
PDF - http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2007/9789241595476_eng.pdf
[USA] NCAVP Releases 2006 Report on Domestic Violence / NCAVP, 12 July 2007
"Report provides unique snapshot of intimate partner violence experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people."
Four jailed for hate crimes at cartoon protest / The Times, 18 July 2007
Fran Yeoman
"Four British Muslims who sought to “forment hatred and encourage killing” at a protest outside the Danish Embassy in London were jailed today."
CRC Migrant Workers project – end of project report and next steps / Commission for Rural Communities, 12 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tfxm
Crispin Moor
True believers: Polish immigrants in Slough / Catalyst Magazine, July 2007
"Asim Rafiqui's photo essay looks at Poles living in Slough. The photographer talks about his experiences visiting the town and meeting some of its inhabitants."
England: an identity in question / Catalyst Magazine, 16 July 2007
Roger Scruton
"The trend toward Britain's fragmentation leaves its majority nation in search of itself"
MOU Between ACPO and the Gangmasters Licensing Authority / ACPO, 13 July 2007
DOC - http://digbig.com/4tfxg
PS Simon Owens
Major Study Will Assess Painkiller Detox / Forbes.com, 13 July 2007
"US researchers are launching the first large-scale national study to evaluate a treatment for addiction to prescription opioid painkillers, such as OxyContin and Vicodin. The study, which is funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, will assess the effectiveness of buprenorphine/naloxone tablets along with different types of drug counselling, in 648 patients."
[Australia] Bailed then jailed: justice in the new age of terrorism / Sydney Morning Herald, 17 July 2007
Mark Davis and Joel Gibson
"THE Gold Coast doctor accused of supporting terrorists will be held in Villawood Immigration Detention Centre after the Federal Government bypassed a court decision releasing him on bail." [Page 1 of 2]
Torture, ill-treatment and denial of medical care: Zimbabwe / Amnesty USA, 6 July 2007
CPS domestic violence figures show further rise in convictions / CPS, 18 July 2007
"The Crown Prosecution Service's latest figures for domestic violence show that convictions are continuing to rise year on year and have risen by 20 per cent since 2003. Three-quarters of the cases in the Crown Courts – where the most serious cases are heard - ended in a conviction."
Domestic violence monitoring snapshot: Cases finalised in December 2006 / CPS, 18 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tfwm
[Canada] Crime statistics 2006 / Statistics Canada, 18 July 2007
"Canada's overall national crime rate, based on incidents reported to police, hit its lowest point in over 25 years in 2006, driven by a decline in non-violent crime."
Crackdown pledged on sex with trafficked women / Guardian, 18 July 2007
Tania Branigan
"The government will ensure that the "fathers, brothers and husbands" who have sex with trafficked girls are prosecuted, Harriet Harman vowed yesterday."
West Yorkshire Police start online video webcasting / Public Technology, 17 July 2007
"West Yorkshire Police are to become one of the first Forces in England and Wales to combine their press releases with video clips. As of this week, it will be possible for members of the public and Journalists to access interview footage that accompanies written news and information available on the Force website. www.999tv.org, currently provides short video features and advice from a number of the regions' Police officers and receives up to 200 hits per week."
New Police radio communications standard 'AirwaveSpeak' begins its roll-out / Public Technology, 18 July 2007
"A new national standard for radio communications, known as AirwaveSpeak will begin roll-out to the police service in the England, Wales and Scotland. AirwaveSpeak is part of a broader strategy by the National Policing Improvement Agencyto assist police forces to increase efficiency, enhance interoperability and support frontline policing."
Alltogether for Asylum Justice: Asylum seekers’ conversion to Christianity / Evangelical Alliance, July 2007
PDF - http://www.eauk.org/public-affairs/socialjustice/upload/alltogether-for-asylum-justice.pdf
Case study: Government IT Profession / vnunet.com, 19 July 2007
James Mortleman
"There has never been a better time for IT professionals to join the UK public sector, says Anne Waldron (who leads the Government IT profession).
"With the advent of joined-up government and shared services, the IT skills strategy to support the government’s transformational agenda is today co-ordinated centrally by the Cabinet Office’s Delivery and Transformation Group."
The Unblinking Eye / Govtech.com, 1 July 2007
Jim McKay
"Surveillance cameras can serve as an effective deterrent to crime, provided security personnel actually watch the video streams from the cameras. But having the staff resources to monitor dozens of cameras at once is beyond the reach of many organisations. With behaviour-recognition software, however, it all becomes possible."
Annual Report and Accounts: April 2006-March 2007: Presented to the House of Commons pursuant to Section 7 of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 / HM Prison Service, 17 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tftp
HC 717
Annual Report and Accounts: April 2006-March 2007: Appendices / HM Prison Service, 17 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tftn
Shared services cut costs, survey finds / InterGovWorld.com, 17 July 2007
Tim Wilson
"Public-private shared service deals have helped to unlock US$3.3 trillion dollars in government cash globally, according to a recent report from A.T. Kearney Inc. The study found that in seven of the nine countries (Australia, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States) shared services have been implemented to balance government accounts, cut costs and ease the load on taxpayers."
Frontex Annual Report 2006: Coordination of intelligence driven operational cooperation at EU level to strengthen security at external borders / Europa, 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tftk
European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union
UK Government Periodic Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child / Department for Children, Schools and Families, July 2007
Go-ahead for merged police teams / BBC, 17 July 2007
"A £3.7m pilot scheme creating joint police crime units covering several forces has been given the go-ahead. The Home Office initiative will involve 30 of the 43 constabularies in England and Wales, and could pave the way for more collaborations between forces."
ANNUAL REPORT of the Chief Surveillance Commissioner to the Prime Minister and to Scottish Ministers for 2006-2007 / Office of Surveillance Commissioners, 16 July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tftg
HC 713 2006-07
Chief Commissioner: The Rt. Hon. Sir Christopher Rose

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Cutting the pain away / Guardian, 17 July 2007
Marc Leverton
"Reports on moves to prevent prisoners self-harming or committing suicide."
[Zimbabwe] Mr Njini lived to 45. He was an old man / Guardian, 17 July 2007
Chris McGreal
ABC: An Introduction to Balanced Scorecard / CIO.org, 13 July 2007
"Most organisations can benefit from a balanced scorecard approach, which can raise the profile of key projects, increase functionality, and predict future performance."
End of Custody Licence releases and recalls: 29 JUNE TO 5 JULY 2007: England and Wales / Ministry of Justice, 16 July 2007
PDF - http://www.justice.gov.uk/docs/2007-06-07-ECL-releases-and-recalls.pdf
[USA] Death after Taser use shocks kin / Denver Post, 16 July 2007
Mike McPhee
"A middle-aged real estate agent who died early this morning after Denver police used a Taser on him was a devoted family man and a hard worker whose death shocked his family and co-workers."
North Wales Police boosts workforce efficiency across all 75 stations with new communications system / BACPO Journal, 16 July, 2007
"North Wales Police (NWP) is working with Affiniti, the communications integrator, to transform and upgrade its network to an IP communications infrastructure through a cost neutral managed service deal."
Germany Strives to Integrate Immigrants with New Policies / Migration Policy Institute, July 2007
Eric Leise
"Chancellor Angela Merkel has unveiled the National Integration Plan (NIP). This plan will provide local and state officials with a federal framework for conducting immigrant integration programs."

Monday, July 16, 2007

Processing of EU originating Personal Data by United States Treasury Department for Counter Terrorism Purposes - "SWIFT" / Statewatch, 29 June 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tfqp
27th Report of Session 2006-07: Drawing special attention to: Draft Children Act 2004 Information Database (England) Regulations 2007: report with evidence / TSO, 16 July 2007
PDF - http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200607/ldselect/ldmerit/146/146.pdf
HOUSE OF LORDS. Merits of Statutory Instruments Committee
HL Paper 146
PDF - http://www.probation.homeoffice.gov.uk/files/pdf/PC24%202007.pdf
Probation Circular PC24/2007
Anti Forensics: making computer forensics hard / Milw0rm.com, 11 July 2007
PDF - http://www.milw0rm.com/papers/169
Wendel Guglielmetti Henrique
"Computer Anti Forensics are methods of removal and subversion of evidence with the objective to mitigate results of computer forensics."
'Italian job' hackers use Russian tool kit / TheAge.com.au, 16 July 2007
Ed Pilkington
"Hackers have launched an assault on websites in Italy and beyond dubbed "the Italian job" in a move seen by internet security experts as the next step in the escalating problem of cyber crime."
Top 10 IT Security Threats in UK / Channel News, 16 July 2007
"A new survey highlights the most common forms of malicious security threats in the UK."
Auckland graduate warns over possible 'cyber-jihad' attack / Computer World, 16 July 2007
Darren Greenwood
"The US business community is under threat from Islamic "cyberjihadis" and New Zealand is also at risk."
IT Security: The Data Theft Time Bomb / Information Week, 14 July 2007
Larry Greenemeier
"While viruses and worms remain the most pesky security problems, data theft concerns simmer beneath the surface, according to InformationWeek's 10th annual Global Information Security survey."
The Top Countries For Cybercrime / Forbes.com, 16 July 2007
Andy Greenberg
"Cybercrime, like every digital industry, is outsourcing. Though the U.S. still produces more malware, spam and viruses than any country in the world, illicit IT jobs are increasingly scattered across an anarchic and international Internet, where labor is cheap, legitimate IT jobs are scarce and scammers are insulated from the laws that protect their victims by thousands of miles."
[Includes: The Cybercriminals' Map Of The World]
Mental Health Policy Implementation Guide: Dual Diagnosis Good Practice Guide / Department of Health, July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tfpf
"The guidance provides a framework within which staff can strengthen services so that they have the skills and organisation to tackle this demanding area of work. Our key message is that substance misuse is already part of mainstream mental health services and this is the right place for skills and services to be."
Jacqui Smith should back amnesty for illegal workers / IPPR, 15 July 2007
"New Home Secretary Jacqui Smith should back a plan to allow almost half a million people who are currently living illegally in the UK to stay in Britain and pay taxes, according to the Institute for Public Policy Research."
Report on an announced inspection of HMP Leyhill: 5 – 9 March 2007: by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons / HMI Prisons, July 2007
PDF - http://digbig.com/4tfpd
Scanning for shoe threats
Jane's Airport Review, 18 June 2007
"The removal of shoes for x-raying has-become just another feature of air travel security checks for many passengers around the world. The procedure was introduced after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, when it emerged that the hijackers had concealed knife blades in their shoes."
[Sub required]
Custody crisis
Jane's Police Review, 6 July 2007
"The custody sergeant, a crucial and fundamental role in operational frontline policing, was once sacrosanct."
[Sub required]
Youth guidance helps officers 'demystify the gobbledegook'
Jane's Police Review, 10 July 2007
"VULNERABLE youngsters should be identified and named within official circles, a former ACPO lead on youth issues has urged."
[Sub required]
Ospre error adds up for wronged candidates
Jane's Police Review, 10 July 2007
"MORE than one hundred officers who took this year's Ospre Inspectors' Part II assessment centre have been told they passed after a marking blunder."
[Sub required]
Skills and shifts 'may attract extra pay'
Jane's Police Review, 10 July 2007
"OFFICERS who work long, unsocial hours could be paid more than those with nine to five jobs."
[Sub required]
UN warns of humanitarian disaster in DRC / Mail & Guardian Online, 13 July 2007
"The United Nations refugee agency warned on Friday of a humanitarian disaster looming in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where more than 160 000 people have fled fighting and atrocities this year."