OFFENDER RESEARCH / Wichita Eagle, 9 Feb 2007
Here are summaries of studies on the effects of offender housing restrictions in other states:
• Research shows no correlation between residency restrictions and reducing sex offenses against children. --Iowa County Attorneys Association
• The sex offender residency restriction was a very well-intentioned effort to keep the children of our communities safe from sex offenders. It has, however, had unintended consequences that effectively decrease community safety. --Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault
• Despite overwhelming public and political support, there is no evidence that proximity to schools increases recidivism or, conversely, that housing restrictions reduce reoffending or increase community safety. --Report to the Florida Legislature in October 2005
• No evidence points to any effect on offense rates of school proximity residential restrictions. --2003 report to the Minnesota Legislature
• A tight web of supervision, treatment and surveillance may be more important in maintaining community safety than where a sex offender resides. --Report by the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board [Brief]