Thursday, January 25, 2007

Integrating the immigrants / The Dominion Post [NZ] , 24 Jan 2007
"It is almost 40 years since Conservative MP Enoch Powell said of British immigration policies: "Like the Roman, I seem to see the river Tiber foaming with much blood." The so-called "rivers of blood" speech saw his being sacked from the shadow cabinet, but thousands of workers struck and marched in support of his views and he was inundated with letters from wellwishers. The ordinary citizen's unease with immigration - usually unexpressed publicly - is, in many communities, as real today as in April 1968. Immigration - in essence, multiculturalism - remains a fraught subject, especially if the host nation feels its goodwill has been abused. Host communities become resentful if, for example, immigrants seem to want more than is felt to be their due, bring tribal differences to the streets of their new home and seem disinclined to integrate."