Monday, January 29, 2007

Ticked off / The Star, Sheffield, 29 Jan 2007
"Stefan Moverley ticked the wrong box and was subsequently suspended on full pay. A POLICE community support officer has been suspended on full pay costing the taxpayer more than £8,000 - because the wrong box was ticked on his car insurance application form. Stefan Moverley was arrested on suspicion of "gaining a pecuniary advantage" and removed from duties after his bosses discovered his insurance documents stated he was a policeman. Mr Moverley told The Star his only crime had been that a call centre worker at an insurance company ticked a box marked "police" for his occupation, when he was not a fully-fledged officer. He said: "When I took out the insurance they did not have an option for "PCSO" so the call handler said police officer would be the next most appropriate category." The company was advertised in a police magazine and gives the same reduction for all police staff, including support workers. I didn't get any extra discount."